
Thursday, May 30, 2013


Today, a big change has come to Jamaa! But first, the daily item:
The big change is... DIAMONDS!
The diamond shop is located near Club Geoz. 
Here's a huge picture of the diamonds:
In the first picture, that's the diamond place; where you buy and spend. 
Below is the AJ newspaper. 

You can get four diamonds in the daily spin! In the last picture, you can buy gems with diamonds, although I recommend saving them for rare items, which is in the picture below.
You can buy animals, pets, and rare items!

Honestly, I don't really like the idea of ares coming back because people have worked hard for them, and they're not as rare anymore. I believe AJHQ made it because they want to help new jammers get rare (members only though). That's about it for today! Happy jamming, everyone!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Hi jammers! Welcome to Animal Jam Buddies! I'm Stang, and the other author is Anastasia808. This is the first post on our blog, so there is always more to come! We'll add chat, ask the authors, memes, and much, much more!
Anyway, today's new item is a nonmember sun hat at the Summer Carnival for 4,000 tickets.

Also, there's a new code, NGEXPLORER which gets you 1000 gems! I also know another code, which many people don't know: NGKIDSROX, which is found in the National Geographic Almanac.
That's about it for today! You can email me at and buddy me on stangbuddies; I accept all buddy request for that account. Happy jamming!