
Friday, July 19, 2013

Jamaa Journal 093

Hey jammers! Double post today, because there is a new Jamaa Journal, volume 093. Here are the pictures of the new ones. (The first half is new stuff, and the other half is old.)

In the picture below, the Golden Bunny's cheeks look a little too big.. But anyway, download Tunnel Town to get your huge Golden Bunny!

It all seems to be about Tunnel Town... Talking about Tunnel Town, AJHQ sent this to every jammer:

That's all I got about Tunnel Town. See you in Jamaa!


  1. Ugh.. -_- I don't HAVE and iphone/ipod/ipad!!!! You know, why can't they put it in "the appstore?"

    1. They did... It's on Itunes...?

    2. I don't think a game app would be in a music store. I think maybe AJHQ might upgrade Tunnel Town to all phones.


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!