
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Phantom Adventures Now For Every Jammer & A New Addition to the Diamond Shop

Hey jammers! It's CrispyMint posting today. Anyway, I don't think there is a new item but there is practically better news. Phantom Adventures are now available to all jammers! Here's a image of me taking my first Adventure!

There are also prizes when you complete the mission at the end. Unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to get all prizes. I apologize for that, but I had enough time to play one mission and got a non-member bunny fence. And lemme tell ya, it is huge. I had to edit my den to fit the thing!


Here are some new articles about the new addition to the Phantom Adventure saga. 

There is also a new addition to the Diamond Shop on the World Map. When clicking on the shopping icon to narrow done your searches, instead of showing a shopping bag full of items, it shows a blue diamond. Pretty neat huh?

1. Open up the World Map


2. Next click on the shopping icon. It is located in the top right corner of the map. (sorry for the blurry ness).

When you click on that icon, the map will show a bunch of those icons, showing those are stores. As you can see, there is a diamond icon.

There is also some new awesome jammer art made by talented artists. 

The name of these artists are (top to bottom) are Daredevil Icystone, Snowy Leopard, Fuzzy Chillypaw, Happy Berryrabbit, and Precious Magicspirit. 

Well, that's about it for today. Thanks and keep on jamming!



  1. Wow I got like so many of those bunny fences! -.-

    1. Same here. I found out that when you get the choose your treasure prize thing, each prize is always in the same box.


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!