
Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Tiny Shelves & a Little Update on Phantom Aventures

Hi Jammers! It's CrispyMint posting today. Anyway, today's new item is a non-member item. It's the tiny shelf! Why is Animal Jam so obsessed of shelves?This is item is sold for 250 gems at the Jam Mart Furniture Store.

And I also realized, that not only does the member phantom adventures has Green Alpha Stones, but it also has crystal shards, purple pipes, a box with a shovel.

Unfortunately, I don't have an image of the purple pipe prize. I apologize. But you can see it when doing phantom adventure. :)

(Stang came in here and edited the post.*) 
Hey jammers I got the picture of the pipe. It's in the top grass part of my den.

Well, that's all for today. Thanks and keep on jamming!  


  1. this is a great blog My Use: cooly26187 Add me!!!

    1. Thanks! I can add you on my buddy account, which is stangbuddies, but sorry, I can't add you on my main account.

  2. Wow I was wondering where you got those. I keep on getting bunny fences! D:


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!