Sunday, August 25, 2013

Chalkboard, Prizes, and Glitch

Hey jammers! It's Stang!
Did you read yesterday's post about the shared chat? Well if you have a small blog, then it's a great idea to add the Shared Chat to your page!

Anyway, the daily item is a Chalkboard! IT'S NONMEMBER! WOOHOO!!!
Sells for 400 gems. It has that unidentifiable AJ language on it.

Remember when it first came to AJ as an unreleased Phantom Adventure prize?

Talking about Phantom Adventures, one prize you can win form Cosmo's adventure is Cosmo's Hammock. 

Inline image 1

Inline image 2

Also, a glitch. If you look at the bottom right corner, you can see a wolf (the red  thing) through the rocks, but when you move a bit the rocks cover it up...

That's not it for today! :P
If I see some more prizes around Jamaa, I will take a picture of it and make a double post today. 
Check out the new stuff on the Author's page, and I will update the "Fun" page. Please comment and share!
Also chat (and install the Shared Chat on your own blog, too)!
Thanks for reading!



  1. I found a Phantom glitch in the newest adventure. One of the phantoms doesn't try to get you when you're in it's bubble thingy =P

    1. Thanks! I watched the video, and wow, that's strange.
      May I put a picture of that on the blog? (With credit to you.)

  2. Hey Stang did you post about the desks?

  3. I have no idea....
    I'll have to check.


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!

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