
Friday, August 9, 2013

Phantom Adventure: New Symbol and Glitch

Hey jammers! Third post of the day, sorry, but I got some cool news!
(It's Stang here, by the way.)

I saw an Arctic Wolf who was level 17! Turns out AJHQ didn't put what sign was for that in the Jamaa Journal.
Well I'm here to show you:
It's a square.

Talking about Phantom Adventure, someone else's name tag goes over you even when you're supposedly above them. 

If I get more new, I'm most likely not going to post it as a fourth post today, so that's about it for today! ^-^
See you in Jamaa! (I've been playing for like 3 hours.)



  1. I like the star on the name tag the best. Too bad it can't always be like that. - ACC

    1. Yeah.. I just became level 5 yesterday and I was so happy because I was bored from the circle.

  2. I got
    1 rare bow
    1 freedom helmet
    1 rare fox hat
    2 nr worms
    2 freedom wings
    1 rare tiara
    2 nm swords
    And that was before I found my lucky chest o3o


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!