
Monday, August 19, 2013

Rare Bonnet and AJ GONE WILD

Hey jammers! It's Stang!
When I got on Animal Jam to get a picture of the Rare Bonnet, Gila (the server) was going CRAZY!!!

Anyway, the Monday Rare today is the Rare Bonnet! It is yellow and baby blue colored! It sells for 900 gems (expensive!) and you can find it on the 3rd page of the regular clothing place.

I saw an Arctic Wolf wearing one! Except that weird Gila glitch was messing with it... It' going bonkers >.<
All the animals had their clothes floating above their bodies! One fox was even changing colors... Now Animal Jam has really gone wild! Even the pattern is falling off them 0-0

Here's some more wacky pictures! 
Awkward bunny o.O The tiara is in the wrong place and the leg stuff is falling of or something...

The fox's and seal's pattern is falling of itself! >.< The hat is falling off the Arctic Wolf... (But this leads us one step closer to how AJ works!)

A seal swimming on land without eyes 0-0
And that tiger's over-sized tail is merging with the blue hamster....

And a few jammers even disappeared!!!

 Strangely, I disappeared too.....

(I with I could keep taking screenshots forever, but I had to leave. )

And, that's about it for today! 
Please check out our new page, authors, and the old ones, and comment and share! Thanks for reading!

~Stang :P


  1. lol cool glitch! I wish I was there to see it.

    1. I don't know if it's still going on. You can go to Gila, because that's where I saw it!

  2. Someone posted a rude comment on AJ spirit about your blog being better than the animal jam spirit... I really love your blog, and I think all blogs are the same amount of greatness, in their own way! I just hope you weren't that anonymous comment saying your blog is better... I hope this doesn't offend! I'm just trying to make peace!

    1. Nope, that wasn't me. I think it was trustno1234... I think blogs are pretty much the same, but some actually are better than others, but not by much. It all depends on how much the authors/creators put effort into it.

    2. Mhm, I agree. By the way, I posted anonymously, because I don't like getting hated at. :( I hope no one does...

    3. Oh okay. Yep I bet a lot of people don't like being hated at too.

  3. Is saw this glitch everytime i got to go on any french server XD

  4. The Rare Bonnet was a rare from 2013? Good to know. I got this rare from the Lucky Clovers 2015 adventure. Hopefully as the years pass, it will gain value!


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!