
Friday, August 9, 2013

Spikes, Outback Imports, Stone Carved Tool Bench and More!

Hey jammers! It's Stang. Sorry I didn't post yesterday /).(\

I was on a one-day vacation and then when I came home there was no Internet...

Well here's all the stuff that was/is new!

Outback Imports is the new store in well, you know: Kimbara Outback!

Where is it? Here.
It's in the Jamaa Journal too!

You can buy a bunch of wooden/stone stuff form it. They're all members, except for one. 

That's what the inside looks like.

There's also some kinda new jammer issue. (And yeah, that's how many buddy slots I have left. I've been trying to save them up. Sorry if you wanna be my buddy >.<)

I found a new jammer in the middle of Coral Canyons. 

I think AJHQ used up that username. 

AJHQ is a new jammer?

And when they want to buddy you, it shows New Jammer too. 

Also, new item is the Spike Collar!

This is what some of them look like. 

And some other colors.. (Some look pretty weird... The teal and the green one...

This is what it looks like on a wolf.

It's not really rare, because the true ones have that rare plaque on it.

And also some new lands again..?

Also, a sling shot!  You can get it Phantom Adventures Beta!

It looks like this on a fox.

Also, my friend told me that you can win super betas from Phantom Adventures Hard Mode. He won a red Pirate Sword and a black Worn! And now I have to go and play Phantom Adventures with him. 
That's it for today, see you later jammers!



  1. I bet they will have matching spike wristbands for sale soon too. - ACC

  2. i feel so sad i can't get all that member stuff

    1. Yeah :(
      I wish AJHQ would make more nonmember items...
      But on the good side, you can buy the Stone Table!

  3. I have really bad adventure luck I am fizzycakewarrior ANSI did the forgotten desert with a hacker who took all my items. I dont know how but they did!!!!!:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

  4. I have been getting rlly bad items for eg: lei,bat glasses,round glasses and i HAVE been clicking on the 5th chest- AHHH help me!!!
    -arcticwolf27797 ♡

  5. Lol buddy me I'm cutefuzzy789 stay cute������


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!