
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Stone Carved Stove

Hi jammers!
It's Stang posting today!
Before I tell you the new item of the day and about some glitches, I'd like to notify you guys about staying safe and stuff. Recently, someone on the blog commented something that told you to hack people and bad stuff like that. They also put an advertisement for their YouTube channel. I'm not against advertising on this blog, (you're allowed to but only on the 'Blogs' page.) So please be kinda and safe on this blog, and on Animal Jam! We don't like haters either. The picture below is what someone said in the chat box. (Which I deleted because it wasn't kind.)

Anyway, the new item of the day is the Stone Carved Stove! Sells for 450 gems in the Outback Imports! Sadly, it's members! (By the way, I just wanted to say, don't these look like wood more than stone?)

Also, the old poll about my game! Most of you guys thought it was  awesome or good but some of you guys didn't know I made a game! Just go to fun to get update on fun stuff! ;)

In addition, some crazy glitches!
In one part of the Phantom Adventures, you can stand on the trees and background stuff!

And that's about all I've got today! Check out the other pages and share! Thanks jammers!


P. S. Who's the 6000th viewer?

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Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!