
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Yush Yes and New Account

Hey jammers! This is a double post today. If you want to see the new item of the day, look at the post below.
This is Stang, by the way. I found out that if you say yush, AJHQ turns it into yes.

Also, there's a new report sing tihng. There's so much bad stuff out there, that it goes under the X and out of the wooden bow choosing thing.

And also, another fake account was made.... Stangcrispymintdying. Of course, I'm not dying and Crispymint ain't either. If you are the person who is making those account, PLEASE STOP! 
Dear blog readers: Please report this person for innaproprite username just because they're just using someone else's. I think the Stangcrispymintdying one will most likely be suspended.  I really hope this stuff stops. 

That's it for today, and please check out the other pages and CHAT :D
Well, see you in Jamaa!



  1. i feel so sorry for you... it has happened to me before, some dude named it Poppilasuckslikethat but it got deleted forever

    1. OMG! How bad of him/her! D:

    2. That is just rude! I know someone who had Iwanttokillbepper. People lets just create our own unique username not with someone else's.

  2. AJHQ Turns "o:l" Into "Old" :-l The Way To Make It Auto-Correct To "o:l" Is To Do It Backwards, "l:o", So It Doesn't Turn To "Old' Well, You COULD Add An Apostriphe (Sorry I Didn't Spell That Right), Like I Do For My Signature Back, "Bk" (Which Is Also The Burger King Symbol/Short Name/Idk What) *Random Note: Please Do Not Copy My Signature Back Please & Ty!*
    ~Cheetah87516~ :-)


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!