
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

11,111+ Views and Poll and Quiz Results

Hey jammers! It Stang, double post today. If you want to see the new item of the day, go to home and scroll down, unless you're already there.

Anyway, we got over 11,000 views, on our way to 12,000 views! Woohoo! :)

Also, yesterday/18 hours ago, I went the check on the blog, and this is what I saw.
(As one of our blog readers said, "Make a wish!"
Also, the Old Poll.
Should we post everyday on Fun?
You guys said we should, so I'll try.

And, the results fomr the Stang quiz, which I posted a few weeks ago on "Fun". What should the next topic be?
I just want to say, if you look at the perosn who got 0%, their username is Stang. That's not me.
First of all, why would I get 0% on a quiz that I created? (Next time I'll take me own quiz for safety matters.)
By the way, thank you to whoever put their name as StangerFan100# XD
If you haven't taken the quiz yet, click here. 

And... that's not it!
There will be a new poll up soon, and have you seen the new feature on the blog? It's called Special Announcements. Also,  new stuff on Fun!


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Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!