
Saturday, September 28, 2013

New Items, A New Den, New Places, Updates, and a Giveaway by SnowyTaco

Hey Jammers! This is SnowyTaco, and I'm TERRIBLY sorry for not posting on Thursday D: That's why I'm planning a random giveaway. But first, Animal Jam updates! Today's new items are the Mustache and the Studded Collar! The Mustache costs 450 gems and is sold at Jam Mart Clothing, while the Studded Collar costs 3 Diamonds and is sold at the Diamond Shop.

We also have a new (although not brand new) den! It's the Haunted Mansion, and it's sold for 6500 gems. If you also saw, the Water Park (right) is on clearance for 4000 gems. Buy it while you have the chance!

I also found some new places I haven't noticed before. Not sure what the dark-cave-looking-portal-thing is called, but you members probably know.

 There's also an area above that, and it's surrounded by crystals! 

And have you noticed that the Nonmember bat wings have turned RARE? 

Have you been to the Phantom Vortex yet? There are multiple across Jamaa, but if you can't find one, there's one at the bottom of Coral Canyons. 

If you pass a certain level in the game 'Phantoms!' you will receive a prize!

Like two years ago, the prize is a Phantom Statue! But these versions are Heavy Phantom Statues. They come in various different colors. I got a green one.

I've also got a tip for you about the Phantom Portal in the Phantom Adventures. You should always wear a glove (any color) when you enter. So when you get to the Phantom Webs, your scratch damage is 25 instead of 10. And unfortunately, I can't really show a picture of that...

Last but not least is my Giveaway! Because I feel bad about not posting, I'm giving away free items to a random person! All you need to do is comment the answers to these questions.

What is your Animal Jam Username?

Are you a Nonmember or a Member?

Random Comment about anything. I don't really care about what you put here, as long as you follow the site's rules. No advertising, rude comments, or bad language please! 


Please don't comment multiple numbers or submissions, or I will delete ALL your comments. Don't choose numbers that were already picked either. The winner will be chosen from the site . Remember, all entries are due next week on Friday, October 4 at about 5:00 pm Animal Jam Time (in Utah). Check back next week! If there are any questions or concerns, you can comment or email me at The items I give away will not be announced, so don't ask.    

And that should be about it for today! 

Friday, September 27, 2013

Spiked Mohawk and Wristwatch

Hi jammers! It's Stang. Sorry for late post and no post yesterday. Snowytaco got all the picture so we let her post but then she was really busy and stuff, so honestly, it's not her fault or anything.

Anyway, the new item of the day is the spiked Mohawk. Rather colorful, and only 400 gems!

And yesterday's item: the Wristwatch. I wonder if it shows the real time ^-^

Also, there might be some contests and giveaways (an apology gift for yesterday's missed post). 

Here's the new Jamaa Journal:

Anyway, thanks for reading, I hope you understand about the missed post. (Everyone has busy lives, just like you and me.)

Please share and comment! :)


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Pirate Beard

Hi jammers! It's Stang.

New item of the day is the Pirate Beard! Sells for 150 gems, and is a returning item. I predict AJHQ is bringing back all of the pirate stuff, so if you have any old pirate items, trade it away (for rare stuff) because it is highly likely that they will come back in soon!

One of our blog readers, Iceclaw28730, sent in this picture. She said some time ago, there was a cave open the seals only, but then AJHQ took it away. What was in it? (If you know/have pictures, please send them to 

New poll up, and I drew a fox; see it on Art. Crispymint might be able to post tomorrow. 

Thanks for reading! Please share and comment! :D


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Pirate Hat

Hi jammers! This is Stang ^-^

The new item of the day is actually a returning beta. The ol' Pirate Hat :)
Sells for 250 gems and is members!

Also, the latest poll results: 
Should we have a special page for all the special posts? The answer is yes, so today I am putting up the new page! :D

That's it for today! I'm working on a llama test and a Despicable Me minion game, which I might release in 2-3 weeks (sorry I'm not a fast programmer). Also, new stuff on Fun!

Thanks for reading, please share to support this blog, and comment if you have question or feedback! Thanks!


Monday, September 23, 2013

Rare Skull Helmet and Blog Stats

Hey jammers! This is Stang ^-^

The Monday Rare today is the Rare Skull Helmet, as earlier predicted from the Phantom Adventures.
(Realize this is a re-used picture from our blog :P)

Also, a picture sent in by Webkinz78620!

And.. Blog stats! :)

This is what countries read the blog, what electronics they use to read it, and which operating systems.
Our top 2 viewing countries are United States and Russia, so Hi Americans, and привет (pronounced peh-de-veit) Russians! :D

Sorry it's a bit blurry; click on it for a bigger screen. 

The pages, ordered by most viewed to least.
You guys really like Fun and Chat, and currently Art has been catching on, but it's last because it's the newest page so far. (Talking about art, Snowytaco drew a boss Liza! Go to Art to check it out ^-^)

And, top posts. How to Get Free Worns, Pirate Swords, and Other Betas is #1. 

Thanks for reading! Please comment and share to show your support for AJ Buddies! Also, check out our other pages and posts! ^-^


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Eye Patch!

Hey Jammers! This is SnowyTaco, and I found one new item today. It's an Eye Patch, and it's for nonmembers! The Eye Patch is only a cheap 250 gems and is sold at Jam Mart Clothing.

I don't think it's brand new, because I'm pretty sure it's the same one you could've got in the Phantom Adventures some weeks ago.

And that's it for today! 

Saturday, September 21, 2013

How to Not Be Scammed

Are you always being scammed? Do you want to not be scammed?

Well worry no more, because here comes the long awaited....

How to Not Be Scammed! 

By Stang. 

There are a lot of jammers being scammed everyday, so let's put a stop to it

Starting with the blog readers.

How do you avoid being scammed? 

Two words.

Say NO. 

First, lets start with recognizing a scam. What are types of common scams?

This is what a lot of scammers say/do:
  1. Best decline gets my outfit
  2. Best gift gets prize
  3. Trust trade
  4. I'll double you items with a code/trick
  5. Can I try on your item?
  6. Can I borrow your item?
  7. Gift me, I gift back!
  8. Flash me!
  9. Blind Trades
  10. First, they flash you something cool, like a pirate sword or nm bat wings
  11. I decline all trades! Try me!
  12. Give me a rare item and I will tell you a membership code/code
  13. My parents work at AJHQ! If you don't trade/send me a rare, your account will be deleted!
  14. Give me this rare item or else I will report you!
  15. Bets
  16. Give me your password and I will go on and type in a code for free rares
Basically, say no.

 Walk away before it starts. If they say they want you to go somewhere else when they're going to give you that special item, say you want to stay, because they're probably going to go somewhere where there's no witnesses. 

Most of those types of things in the list above are not worth the risk, but sometimes, there actually are some where you don't even have to give good stuff. 
But 99.99% of the time, say no.

One of the only (suspicious) trades worth the risk:
When someone say send/trade me anything and I'll give you something rare. 
Just send them a buy-able, cheap item. Usually, a lot of people will be attracted to this type of thing, and there's probably a limited amount of rares, so how do you capture the person's attention?
Just go to a place that's not too far away but that they can click on you, and say I SENT YOU AN ITEM MY USERNAME IS ________!!!
(If you don't like yelling, you don't have to, but you'd have less chances to get the item. This is just the stangy way.)

This other rule is kinda... strict and ominous sounding, but trust no one.
(The only person you're allowed to trust is someone whom you know in real life who you see often, so if they steal your stuff, you can talk in real life. Especially beware of jammer who's names are only numbers, or that their names start with something that might hint that it's a spare account, i.e. slave4238524309589523798.

Anyway, thanks for reading! I hope you no longer get scammed!

~Stang (⊙ω⊙)

Beaded Necklace!

Hey Jammers! This is SnowyTaco, and today's new item is a member beaded necklace. It costs 450 gems and is sold at Jam Mart Clothing.  It looks like this:

I'm pretty sure it's the same necklace from the one from the Phantom Adventures. Stang posted a picture of one from September 15. 

Anyway, that's it for today! 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Cone Collar

Hey jammers! This is Stang! :)

New item of the day Cone Collar! Sells for 400 gems and is members. I wonder why AJHQ is making these types of clothing... Role play?

Also.. new stuff on the DE!

Recently, someone made an account on
They used bad words in my profile name and it was clearly made to be mean. I just want to say, honestly, what's the point of being mean to someone whom you don't even know (in real life)?
It's not like I did anything bad to you. 
(As you may see, I censored some stuff. 

Also, 15 really funny pun/memes on Fun!

Thanks for reading! Please share and comment. 


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Phantom Cell

Sorry jammers for sauch a late post >.<

(I was expecting Crispymint to post today. Also, my typing finger kinda hurts. )


The new item of the day is the Phantom Cell. It sells for 1,600 gems, and it is, unfortunately, members.
Here's a picture:

Also, there have been some problems with the elephants since they came back...
Credit to FantasyPink

And, some weird glitch, with... eh.. flying floors? 
Credit to vlueplays. 

Also, new post on the DE!

I'm not sure if I've seen this before on the DE....

That's it for today! 

I'd also like to notify you guys about the new feature on the right side of the blog.

And, I finished writing "How to Not be Scammed" so expect to see it today or tomorrow! :)

Thanks for reading, please comment and share, bye!


Wednesday, September 18, 2013

11,111+ Views and Poll and Quiz Results

Hey jammers! It Stang, double post today. If you want to see the new item of the day, go to home and scroll down, unless you're already there.

Anyway, we got over 11,000 views, on our way to 12,000 views! Woohoo! :)

Also, yesterday/18 hours ago, I went the check on the blog, and this is what I saw.
(As one of our blog readers said, "Make a wish!"
Also, the Old Poll.
Should we post everyday on Fun?
You guys said we should, so I'll try.

And, the results fomr the Stang quiz, which I posted a few weeks ago on "Fun". What should the next topic be?
I just want to say, if you look at the perosn who got 0%, their username is Stang. That's not me.
First of all, why would I get 0% on a quiz that I created? (Next time I'll take me own quiz for safety matters.)
By the way, thank you to whoever put their name as StangerFan100# XD
If you haven't taken the quiz yet, click here. 

And... that's not it!
There will be a new poll up soon, and have you seen the new feature on the blog? It's called Special Announcements. Also,  new stuff on Fun!


Doctor Bag and Backgrounds

Hi jammers! Crispymint here posting early today. I am able to post early because I'm sick and won't be able to go to school. But I managed to post today :D Anyway, new item of the day is a......DOCTOR BAG! It sells for 475 gems in the Medical Center Shop. You can purchase this item on the first page of the catalog. You can also change colors :D Sadly, it's a member item DX

I also have an unwanted sword. It's pink and nonmember. You can email me a trade at Down below is a picture of the sword. (Sorry, it's kind of blurry. But you get the picture ^-^)

And here is how it looks like on a wolf. So pink! >.<

And when I was taking the picture, I noticed that the backgrounds are different between a land and underwater animals. Interesting.

Land Animal

Underwater Animal

Well, that's all for today. Thanks and keep on jamming!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Phantom Cage

Hiya ^-^

It's Stang posting today :D

And the new item of the day is members, sells for 1,400 gems, is a metal cage, holds one zappy phantom, and is called...

The Phantom Cage! :D

Also, the Epic Den of the week!

Also,  only members can host an Adventure, and this shows up when they want to. There is also a red dot next to the words when they want to host a hard-mode game. 

In addition, when you click on the 3rd-b-day cake, penguins come out! How cute :3

Also, were having a Fun Puns celebration on the "Fun" page. Unfortunately, Crispymint and Snowytaco didn't want their names to be turned into Puns, so it will be Fun Pun Days!
Today is Cat Puns :)
If you have any puns, put them below in the comments, along with your username if you want credit. 

Thanks for reading, please comment and share! :)
