
Sunday, September 1, 2013

How to Make a Successful Blog

Hey jammers, it's Stang!

I made this post to help you make a great, popular blog!

There are 3 steps to this! :)

(Okay, so this blog isn't an award winning, Nobel prize worthy blog, but it's come a long way in only like 3 months. I search some of our blog competitors, and I think we've got 1000 more page views than them and are younger by about 2 months. )

Step One

Make your blog have a good name, which means make it easy to remember, supportive to the subject that your blog is about, and (of course) make it appropriate.

Like for example, our blog.

Also, the the name easy, simply, and memorable.
Example: (Lets say the topic is er.. Stangerines!)

Step Two

Your posts should be original, polite, grammatically correct, easy to read, appropriate, and with a spark of (generally good) personality.

You should also have an interesting title to your posts that will capture attention.

Also, the pictures or stuff that you write should be yours.

It would make your blog look really bad if you just copied stuff off of other blogs. Okay, so it's fine to do that, unless they have a strict government patent, but seriously, like then your blog isn't it's own special blog. If you have to copy vital info, just give credit to someone. If you don't know their name/nickname, maybe put a link to their blog?

And so I said before, make your blog SPECIAL.

That doesn't just mean your posts (although those have to be good too).

Have interesting pages.

Have cool stuff on the sidebars!

Maybe, you can make one day of the week special, like make a video every Friday, or something like that.

Step Three


Make your blog themed, easy to navigate, comfortable, and pretty.

Just make it so that people like your blog, they like visiting it, and the most important parts are comfortable and easy to navigate.

If your blog is like hard to see stuff, you know what I mean, like hard HARD to see stuff, then you've got a problem.

Also, pay attention to how you blog looks on a mobile: that means a phone, tablet, or some other thing that isn't a computer.
I suggest changing the mobile to look like the blog on a computer because it saves a lot of effort.

That's pretty much it, but there are also some basics.

If you don't know them, I'll just tell you them.

1. Post everyday at least before afternoon.
2. Make everything appropriate
3. Put effort into your work

That's it for the basic basic rules.

I hope this helped you on you blog!

~Stang :D


  1. I need help how to you make the pages :( Check out my blog it sucks :

    1. Go onto Layout and add a gadget.
      Choose the pages gadget.
      Then on the left left side press pages and make a new page.

  2. Also how do u make the sidebar stuff?

  3. Oh thanks your the best Stang!

    1. You're welcome ^-^

      Oh yeah, about your question on how to make the sidebar stuff, I made a post about it so you can go to for a quick tutorial :D

  4. Ermzy >3< Idk what to post about XDD

  5. What Website? BlogSpot? Blogger? Wix?


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!