
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Fun: August 2013

This is the August post from Fun.


August 31, 2013

Look at the GIF...
And all of a sudden...


August 29, 2013

Here's a random picture of a DANCING CARROT! :D
(That's Crispymint XD)

Also, (by the way this is Stang) I'm thinking of making little quizzes for the Fun page so you can take some fun quizzes and maybe even make your own! :)

August 30, 2013

Here's a fun test to see if you know your Stang facts!
In the end you will get a Stanginess score! :D
Here's the (safe) link!

August 26, 2013

Hi jammers! It's Stang.
Here's a random costume idea: the Turkey! (I submitted this for Animal Jam's animal contest XD)

Get a bunny, and make them wear only a turkey hat, and change their color to match the hat. (Warning: Some turkey hat colors are not available on the color palette.)

And there, you're a turkey! :)

You can have fun with your friends and do random stuff!

August 25, 2013

Hi jammers! It's Stang.
Here's a funny picture of a random cookie-panda :D

August 18, 2013

Hey jammers! Crispymint has a joke and a video!
Q: Why did the mushroom go to the party?
A: Because he was a fun guy (fungi)

August 7, 2013

I released the game! :D
Click here to check it out! 
And here the see my other games!

Hi jammers (or Scratchers if you came to my blog from the game I created, called Animal Crossing Mini. This is the code for a free 300 bells in the game: 

Code: AC7DS

(Random letters and numbers.)

August 4, 2013
I just wanted to say, to everyone, don't ruin the fun by making an account on an email that's not yours. Also don't scam or hack or anything horrible like that. We're planning to have "No Scammers" week sometime soon.

1 comment:

Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!