
Friday, November 29, 2013

Play As Your Pet Party Tour

Hey jammers! This is the Stang! As I told your guys earlier, I'd come back to do a BIG post. 

Well here it is: a cool tour of the PlayAs You Pet party! (PAYP)

Anyway, this is what your avatar looks like, and next to it, you have that doggy switch to kitty picture, which lets you change animals. When you click on it, it looks pretty much the same as switching pets anywhere else. 

When you first get in, you land in a little plaza place, with a mushroom fountain next to you. If you look at the left, you can see the member's only Pet Wash. 

If you continue to go that way, you'll find the Pet Wash, Pet Stop, and a ladder. Where does that take you?

It takes you to the top of a white daisy. Notice that the grass in the background is super tall, which gives you the illusion of being minuscule. 

If you start form the fountain and go right, you find a pond. 

In the middle of the pond is a petite bridge that leads you to the shop full of pet-sized items; 4 member's, 2 non-members. See previous posts to see what the pet items are. 

Wow! Cards as mats! Notice that the ace is a phantom! ^-^ What next? AJ playing cards?

If you haven't noticed yet, there's a ladder, made up of cardboard, leading up. Look at the corner. Is that a LEGO piece?

Yup; it's a Lego castle, with a music store in the top-most corner. Pretty cool, eh?

And last, but not least, are the actions, which are different since you're a pet now. As a nonmember, I can only be a hamster, although I bet like at least half of you guys own pet hamsters as well, so yeah.

Anyway the play is eating two peices of the hamster's unlimited supply of candy corn. 
Dance is shaking back and forth. (Harlem Shake?)

Anyway, new stuff on Fun AND Art! Woohoo! Well, bye! Share to support, and keep reading buddies!


P. S. Want to see posts about PAYP party items? Click any of the links below, or all!

P. P. S. New game by Stang!
Click here to check it out!


  1. Nice Post! And i noticed too that there were LEGO bricks upstairs :p. And the harlem shake when he dances XD.


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!