
Friday, November 22, 2013

Play as Your Pet Party!

Hey jammers! Sorry for late post; I was pretty busy. (And it took me a pretty long time to get into a play as your pet party.)

Short note: the hater news and stuff kinda made me want to see if anybody was copying picture form the blog, so I altered a few.

Anyway, the Play as You Pet Party is here!

Anyway, I got some cool pictures and stuff, so yeah!

Here are some items, two nonmember, and one member.

I altered these two. They are all member's. 

Another altered picture. This is a new music called Pet Playtime. It is (as always) members. 

Bye jammers! More news will come tomorrow/soon. 


(P.S. to those who celebrate Thanksgiving: Have a happy Thanksgiving! :D)


  1. Hmm... I think it would be best to down play this hater person. It's probably a jealous little kid looking for attention.
    If you make a big deal about it, you are just giving it the attention it wants.
    lol here is a good saying I heard. - "Don't feed the trolls."
    Your blog is awesome. Don't let them get to you. - ACC

    1. Yea thought same. He even hated me in one comment -.- .

    2. Yeah, good point. Thanks for the advice! :)
      ~The Real Stang who ain't gonna shut down the blog

    3. You just said the same as my bro did XD

  2. Ya! Your blog is cool and it will always be! Good Luck!

  3. I think the play-as-your pet party is pretty cool :D


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!