
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Striped Scarf and Almost 20,000 Views!

Hey jammers! This is the Stang today! :D

Anyway, more Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving.

Today's new item is the Striped Scarf! Sadly, it's members, but we still have the Jamaaliday Scarf for nms!

In addition, we almost have 20,000 views! Woohoo!

The 20,000th viewer will be awarded a prize, if they have proof. For example, the proof picture should have the views in it, with some surrounding blog stuff to show that it is Animal Jam Buddies, not some other blog.

It should look something like this:

Anyway, after we get 20,000 views, you know what happens next! Party! ^-^

In addition, it's Thanksgiving for some eastern countries, with Thanksgiving coming up tomorrow for Western countries.
Here's a game to celebrate Thanksgiving!

Anyway, that's it for today, ye jammers! Share to support and to spread the news!



  1. That's an interesting new poll you put up - “Is it okay to hate haters? “.
    Right now "yes, they deserve it" is in the lead with 5 votes.
    I voted "no, we'll be like them".
    Everyone who voted yes are haters also. It's the truth because you are hating them for what they do.

    Hate is born out of fear, jealousy, not understanding, and even peer pressure. Hate only causes emotional pain to yourself.
    We should try to understand why these people are hating others on AJ and then help them become a better jammer through friendship.

    Personally I never met a person who was mean to me. But I have met scammers on AJ.
    Just some insightful thoughts…

    1. Thank you for you opinion! You have some great points. :)

  2. ....on the floor!!woooohoooooooooo!!! hesUcKs andyay

  3. ......oh and I m not hating anyone!!!songs just kidding scenes


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!