
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Knitted Sweater and Everloop

HAPPY NEW YEARS to the East and...

This is the Stang, and I got a lot of new news for you! One new item, a cool AJHQ blog (not the DE), and some other stuff! :P

Today's new item it the Knitted Sweater! 

It really reminds me of the Jamaaliday Gift, Holiday Sweater. 
(Do you think AJHQ just ran out of ideas?)

I found an uber-cool AJHQ website, called Animal Jam Everloop! 
They have polls, posts, and sometimes even contests where you can win free membership!

They have a cool background!

And awesome posts! :D

Eagles might be coming to Jamaa, according to the Everloop poll! You know what'd be awesome? Having a Sky World!

Also, thanks everyone for all the awesome jam-a-grams!

Thanks Summerpaw21! :)
New Years Party! :D
(Part Harlem-shake, and hosted by my awesome buddy.)

Anyway, Happy New Years to the East, and Happy New Years Eve to the West! :D

Thanks for reading, and check out other parts of the blog, and comment! :)


P. S. For a new land, would you rather have Sky, Underground. Dream, or Space?
Comment you ideal choice, or one of your own! :)

Monday, December 30, 2013

2013's Last Monday Rare!

Hey Jammers! This is SnowyTaco, and I'm sorry to stang who thought I was going to post yesterday.

Today's December 30, 2013, and it's a Monday, which means 2013's Last Monday Rare! And that rare is.........

A Pair of Rare Butterfly Wings! You can purchase one on the last page of Jam Mart Clothing. 
It's for Nonmembers too!

And that's it for today! HAPPY NEW YEAR, 2014!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Snowboard and Polls

Hiya buddies! This is the Stang! Sorry for a late post; I thought Snowytaco was posting. 

Anyway, the new item of the day is the member's Snowboard! 

Kinda reminds me of the snowboards in the Holiday Lab of Minion Rush! (I could only get a picture of the blue ones though.)

Here's a new adventure prize! (I'm pretty sure!) 
You can go to pizzaiskewl's den to check it out!

Also, two of the latest poll results!
The buddies think that the name-changing is 'Unique!' and that they like cats the best, with 'COG!!!' coming up, one vote away!

Also, the hater confessed on the Chat page, and that she was just jealous. Unfortunately, the chat page reset today, so I can't access they info and proof, but trust me, it's over. :)

Thanks for reading! Please share, and check out other parts of the blog! 


~Stang :)

P. S. New stuff on Fun! :)

Saturday, December 28, 2013

2014 New Year's Party and New Item!

Hey Jammers! This is SnowyTaco! Right now there is a New Year's Party for 2014! Lots of new and surprising things! Read the post for more info!

These are the new items that are sold at the party! There's a Phantom Balloon, FREEDOM WINGS, Frankenstein Mask, Freedom Lion Hat, Curly Wig, and Clover Earmuffs.

Returning Music!

2014 Banner and other new items!

Me at the Party! (I became a member! :P )

Plus the New Item, the Snow Shovel! Sold at Jam Mart Furniture!

Sorry, I'm in a rush, gonna be pretty busy today!

I also got a drawing tablet for Christmas, so I can do some art requests maybe! Ask in the comments!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Deer Antlers

Hey jammers! This is the Stang!

Today's new item is the Deer Antlers!

Pretty much a more angled copy of antlers:

I was kinda in a rush yesterday, so I couldn't post something special.
I thought deer fur was going to be like a mustache things but it turned out to be.. well.. fur, like on an Arctic Wolf.

What is really is:                                                          What I thought it would be:


Talking about deer, I found this cool picture:

Animal Jam's paw print logo thing is small when you search up stuff they don't want you to, like deleting an account. 

Anyway, thanks for reading! I'm going to post some less-cheesy stuff on fun, and yeah! Share to support and have fun!


P. S. I forgot to post new items form the Jamaaliday Jam! 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Deer Fur

Hiya buddies, this is the Stang! Sorry for the late post; it's the holidays, so I might post a little later. (Summer's the earlier posting days.)

Anyway, as you can tell from the title, the new item is Deer Fur. 

There's also a really cool jam-a-gram (just letting you guys know.)

Daily bonus is back! :D
This basically defeats the whole purpose of getting gems for Jamaalidays. (Except for the fact that everyone gets the same amount of gems.)

See yesterday's double post!

Thanks for reading! Have a belated Christmas and Happy New Year!
Share to support, and comment your reactions! 
Bye! :)


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Fun: November 2013



November 30, 2013

Hey jammers, it's me Stang. As you may already know, I like to create games on, and guess what?

Another GREAT game! But it's different than other platformer games:

~It NEVER ends
~Some levels are illusions
~It's just plain fun and 1000% Stang made!

Want to play it? Click this sentence!

Here's some pictures of game play.

The titles screen.                              The beginning, with a small tutorial.      There are some easy levels.


 Some complex.  And some really cool illusion levels!

November 29 and a half, 2013

New game by Stang!

Click here to check it out!

It's a really fun, mysterious, and random Ink Blot Generator game! Just try and check it out!

Here's some sample pictures: 

This is like.. a sideways tree in patch of dirt. 

A unicorn-mermaid sitting on a fish?! XD

Let you imagination flow...

Click here to check it out!

November 29, 2013

Some funny Thanksgiving pictures of none other than the Stang's favorite costume:

The Turkey

Some pictures of turkeys with a small description, and narration by, who else, the Stang.

This is a bunny in a turkey costume, but let's just say it's a turkey.

If you look at this one, and stare at the head (turkey hat) your brain gets tricked and starts to think it really is a turkey!

Well, I know this is a day or two late, but Happy Thanksgiving!

Or according to AJHQ, Happy Feast of Thanks!

Unfortunately, there are disadvantages to being a turkey. 

Merry Christmas!

Hey buddies! This is Stang! All of the authors were too busy, which is why we missed 2 days worth of posts. (Sorry.) I'm still kinda in a rush.


Merry Christmas!

Here's a lot of the items that came in recently!

Giant Candy Canes!

Paw Candy!

Here's some gifts we missed!

Bows and arrows! 0-0


Candy Cane Tie and 1000 gems!

There's also new stuff on the DE!

And an update...



Saturday, December 21, 2013


Hi! This is the Stang.

Today's items, as predicted by one of our blog readers, is one diamond!

Anyway, bye jammers! I can't post tomorrow because of vacation. Well, bye! Merry Christmas! Stay safe and be kind!


~Stang :)