
Friday, January 31, 2014

Heart Locket and DE News Crew!

Hey buddies! It's the Stang posting today!

It's Chinese New Year today and Armenian New Year was not too long ago, so Happy Armenian and Chinese New Year!

Today's new item is a returning item. Many people call it a beta, but others say it's not, because it comes back every year.
In 2011, it was one of the top favorite (and rare) items. It was in AJ's early years, so it could be technically beta, but it does return yearly.
Do you think the Heart Locket is beta?  Post your answer in the comments!

Anyway, here's a picture of it. It is the same color as last year.

Also, a new News Crew article! How to be a Savvy Jammer!
Send in your essay to AJHQ and you might win!
(Trading tip: The plaque that you win is worth a founder and a beta [according to NubelaStar])

I also heard that there's a new Braady video! Go to Braady's Bar to check it out!

And, that's it for today! Bye!


P. S. Wait, actually it might not be. Also, I corrected the mess-up in the Topcoat post.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Heart Pathway and Parades

Hey buddies! This is Stang!

The days are coming closer and closer to Valentines days, and AJHQ is doing a pretty good job on reminding us of that!

Today's new item is the Heart Pathway! Once again another heart themed item! 

Also, a new DE posts! Jammer Snaps Winners: Jammer Parades! Go to the DE to read it all! :)

That's it for today! Bye!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Heart Eyepatch and 1000th Commenter!

Hey buddies! This is Stang.

The new item is the Heart Eyepatch! Looks like Valentine's items are going to be the new theme!

 Also, here's the 1000th comments! Congrats HeartAG123!
That's it for today! Bye!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Pink Chest!

Hey Jammers! This is SnowyTaco posting today. Today's new item is the Pink Chest. It is a returning item and is currently sold at Jam Mart Furniture. It costs 400 gems and is a member den item.

And that's it for today!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Rare Flippers!

Hey Jammers! This is SnowyTaco posting. Today's Monday Rare are a pair of Rare Flippers. They are underwater and can be bought at Bahari Bargains for 650 gems. And they are member items.

And's that's it of today! Don't forget to enter my giveaway! Only two people have entered, so you have a really good chance of winning if you enter now! Just comment your username and something nice about AJ Jump or Tunnel Town. You could even say something like "AJ Jump is really cool!" or something like that :) 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Topcoat and Code

Hey buddies! This is Stang!

Today's new item is the Topcoat! Pretty fancy looking!
What might this lead to? Fancy roleplay and butler/servants?

Also, I found out a (probably old code) while researching.
It's 'drawing'.

Also, we have the latest poll results! The winning choice is Entire Animal.
(Sorry to all the commenters below. I fixed the problem now.)

If you see the other poll that is up, page is winning by a landslide vote! So instead of daily beta facts, I'll put them on a page so jammers new to the blog can also see the same stuff without searching forever!

Well, that's it for today! Bye jammers!


P. S. New poll coming soon! If you have a great poll in mind, you can ask for it on Ask!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Deer, Academy, a Poem and More!

Hey jammers! This is Stang! Sorry I couldn't post yesterday.

Anyway, let's cut to the chase.


And the new Deer Alpha


Animal Jam made a new page: AJ Academy!

Go to the home page, and look at the bottom of the page.
Click on AJ Academy, and it'll lead you...

To this. Wow! Science, technology, engineering and art!
Seems like it's mainly based on computer stuff; what makes up Animal Jam. 

Each page will look like this. 


Have you noticed that all the capatilized letters in the Eagle Feather page forms the word eagle?


Here's an advertisement that when clicked on, sends you to, but doesn't say animal jam or anything like that. 
The background art seems quite familiar, but the horse, well, it's a little weird. 
And the font! 
Is this a ad that gives you a virus/some-like-that and uses AJ as a cover?

Credit to GoldCobra

Wow! 294 views in one day! Awesome! :)

Here's the daily Beta Fact: These items are called founders. Back then, during the beta times, stuff costs really cheap. The founder hats cost 40 gems! Wow!

Anyway, that's it for today! (Or is it..? I might post something on the other pages!)
Talking about pages, I posted something new on Art!
Well, check out on other parts of the blog, and jam on! :)


P. S. Post by Snowytaco a while ago!

Also, this is a double post, so click here for today's 2 daily items!

Minor Arrangements and New Items

Hey Jammers! This is SnowyTaco coming to you with the latest news, although sorry for not posting yesterday.

So, yesterday's new item was the Pet Cabin. It costs 400 gems and is a member item.

Today's new item is the Furry Hat, also a member's item, pricing at 350 gems. It matches with the Winter boots!

Also, did you know that AJ moved the Arctic Wolf Secret Space? In the 'Return of the Phantoms' adventure, the Arctic Wolf Place is past the Phantom Gate. I guess it's because all the member Arctic Wolves only played that adventure for the free loot.

Well, that's it for today! Remember, my giveaway is still going on! Even if you don't own any of the AJ apps, you can still comment something nice about it is you've seen their trailers.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Double posting!

Hey Jammers!  This is SnowyTaco. I found out that Stang didn't post about the newspaper, or it just came out now.

Dens half off for two weeks! Awesome! :D

New Buttons for Epic Dens and Phantom Adventures! Also new and returning items coming this February! 

And remember the feather we saw in the newspaper last time?

I searched it up and found out that it is most likely an eagle feather! But you probably already new that :)

And that's it for today!


Hey buddies! Quick post today (btw this is Stang).

Today's item is the Starfish.

This is what the page looked like during beta! Wow! It's so cool >.<
A video, shamans (alphas) and a whole lot of other cool stuff.
Why'd they remove it?

Well, that's it for today! Bye!


P. S. Go to for the daily DE!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Trees, DE, Betas, and More!

Hi buddies! This is Stang!

Today's new item is the Big Pine Tree! :)
It's members and seems like a copy of yesterday's item. Running out of ideas I guess.

You can help AJHQ by sending them a message though the purple (?) thing floating around Jamaa.
If we all send in the same idea, AJHQ will pay attention to it, and might make that item!

Answer in the comments: What new item do you want?

Have you noticed this new sidebar gadget on the DE? It's been there for a while (when adventures became non-beta). 

This is the latest poll results! We want.. everything! :)

Talking about polls, sorry about the mistake I made... Three of the same poll XD
Well, I fixed it, and sorry if you were one of the 4 voters for the bottom 2; I deleted them.
Click for a bigger picture. 

Here's some DE posts!

I thought it'd be kinda cool if I put up one thing about the beta days per day, so here's when the beta newspaper looked like! 
It was a big... newspaper, with a different format, and a more beta-ish look. 

(You can tell something beta form something new immediately, but never know what's thew difference besides being different. It is more techy?)

That's it for today! Check back tomorrow for more! Bye!


Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tall Pine Trees and Possibly a Giveaway?

Hey Jammers! This is SnowyTaco posting today ^_^  Today's new item is the Tall Pine Tree! It costs 400 gems and is sold at Jam Mart Furniture as a member item. You can change the way the snow is arranged on the tree, but sadly it is not possible to buy different colored pine trees.

Doesn't look too tall to me, though.

And that's the only item for today! 

But since this post is getting a little boring....

How about a Giveaway!! :D 

     So you know in the last post about Tunnel Town and AJ Jump? Well, if you comment your AJ Username and something about one or both of those apps (it does't matter if you own it or not, just comment something reasonable about it c: ), you have a chance of getting a free Phantom Watcher! Only members can get this den item in Hard mode of The Great Escape. If you're a nonmember and you win, I'll buddy you and we can find a way to send you a free Phantom Watcher! ^u^

There is no specific ending date, but I could be soon!

And that's is for today! Tell your AJ Buddies to enter too! :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Monday Rare!

Hey Jammers! This is SnowyTaco posting today! First of all....


And also, today's Monday Rare is Rare Leg Armor! It costs 400 gems and is only for members, unlike Freedom Bands from last year.

 I tried out the photo booth in AJ and edited this picture a bit :)

And I've been thinking.... what if AJB had Tunnel Town and AJ Jump posts? I currently have both apps and I thought it would be cool if we talked about them here ^_^

What do you think? Comment your opinions below! 

And that's it for today!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Pet Ice Rink and New DE

Hey buddies! This is Stang, your non-local reporter! :)

Today's new item is the Pet Ice Rink! If it's big enough, you might be able to put the Pet Sled on it!

Here's the newest post on the DE!

That's it for today! Bye!

~Stang ^-^

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Snow Trail Shoes, Howl and Awesome DE Posts

Hiya buddies! This is the Stang, posting much earlier than usual :)

The new item today is the Snow Trail Shoes!

When I got on today, I saw this cool thing! AJHQ accepted my howl! :D

When they accept your howl, you get a Howl Plaque! Cool! :D

Also, some super awesome posts form the DE! (I only post ones that look pretty cool. You can go to too look at other ones.)

Well, that's it for today, jammers! See you again tomorrow! :)
