
Saturday, March 1, 2014

Aquamarine, Achievements, Hater, and More!

yesterday's post!

Hey buddies! This is Stang ^-^

Today we have a lot of news!

Today is the first day of March for where AJHQ is, so the new item is the monthly birthstone:
Meet the Aquamarine!

Recently I got a comment telling me about a hater who went on a popular blog, Animal Jam Spirit, and pretended to be me, and started saying inappropriate stuff. 

Fortunately, when I went there to tell everyone that the hater wasn't me, a moderator was there to tell me the news. 

There's new achievements for the new game, Swoopy Eagle!
(Woohoo my highscore is 2 XD)

More tiny "rare" sign glitches >.<

A while ago, AJHQ sent a jam-a-gram to all jammers. 
It was an advertisement about diamonds. 

Realize they never tell us how many diamonds they're going to give us :T
They tell us in the Jamaa Journal. 
Thank you Ronen Jamaa for letting us know! :)
(In the comments.)

Thanks for reading! There's new stuff on Fun if you can't get enough, and a new poll! 

Bye! Share to support and be a safe jammer! :)


P. S. Here's some extra stuff:

A lot of posts on the DE!


  1. They tell you how many diamonds you get in the Jamaa Journal.

    1. Oh... okay thanks. I'll edit the post. Thank you for telling me! ^-^

  2. Stang, I think the hater is now playing a good guy. Cause he pretended me on the post where you posted the pictures of TheTerritoryOfStarClan and, one minute later, an anonymous written this: ''I believe that everyone here hate you and your blog. Many think that the authors are a shew''. What convinces me that it's the hater it's that it was posted one minute after the hate comment when he pretented me.


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!