Thursday, March 6, 2014

Clovers, Graham, Jamaa Journal and More!

Hey buddies! This is Stang posting today! And today we have a lot of news!

If you've played AJ recently, you must have noticed the new springy looks! Flowers and green stuff everywhere!

There's two new items!

The Clover Chair!

Graham's Nesting Dolls!

Talking about items, the Snow Fort is on clearance!
They're not like items, so they don't really become rare, but they're cool, so buy one now! :D

Here's a post about seahorses form the DE!
Why is the army seahorse upside down?

 Talking about seahorses, they front-paged on the new Jamaa Journal!

So taking pictures takes wayyy too long, and I'm usually in a rush, so here it is in word form! (Sorry :T)
  1. Seahorses are here! You can uy them for 400 gems!
  2. There's a new shop called Royal Ridge, but it's for eagles only at coral canyons. (Reached by flying. I heard there's some nm items, even though the shop is members only. 
  3. You can buy new ocean dens at a new shop at the Deep Blue!
  4. Panda are leaving! No!!! Why why why why why why why why!
  5. The Lucky Party is here!
  6. A new adventure is coming! Something about Greely's volcano eruption adventure. 
  7. New Braady Bar stuff; Braady got new pets! Go to Braady's Bar to learn about them. 
  8. Lucky items! Keep your eyes peeled. Basically they're green copies of already-in stuff. 
Here's the items at the Royal Ridge!
(Wait a second... if you can do sky-walking, can't nms go there too?)

Credit to AnimalJamSpirit

Well, that's it for today! I made a new poll too, so be sure ot vote on it! Bye!



  1. whoa royal ridge is AWEEEESSOMMEEEE

    1. but why is there a non member item..

    2. Well, if members trade that to non-members non-members can use it.


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!

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