
Sunday, May 11, 2014

Grass, How to Get Free Headdresses, and Hippos Licking Crocs...?

Hi buddies! This is Stang. 

Happy Mothers Day, to the west!

Today's item is very green! ...Literally. 

It is the Grass Couch, a follow up from yesterday's Grass Chair. 

Frankly, the couch only looks like a longer grass chair. Wonder if you can "fake" a couch by putting two chairs really close to each other? (Overlap.)

Here's the daily DE post!
It is about the upcoming heatwave party. 

There's new videos, but this one really intrigued me. 
Hippos licking crocodiles? 
What. WHAT. WHAT. 
It's so random and weird. 

I was reading some comments on our #1 viewed post not including spam views (if you want me to talk about the spam views, request in comments). 
Summary or if the picture is unclear: (basic meaning)
"Got a headdress, so happy."
"What?! I didn't know that's possible!"

Is it possible?

To find out the answer, click read more! :)
(The post is also getting quite long.)

If you said yes, then you are correct!
It is possible to win free headdresses!
(In Phantom Adventures; that was what the post was about.)

In comment below: (basic meaning)
"Thank you, I got a headdress and a Top Hat. You can only get these items if you are a member and you must be level 8 or higher."

Seeing that only members can get these items seems unfair, especially since AJ brought in all the nonmember items; bat wings, gloves, etc.

Well, that's not if for today! Something random on Fun! 
Bye jammers! (Share to support and jam on!)



  1. I know people are quitting and even fighting about those unreleased items.

  2. AJ is getting more and more boring.... ._.
    My buddies are rarely on anymore
    Ctrl+a, ctrl+c and ctrl+v is disabled >:(
    Jammers nowadays only care about fame and rarity

  3. What adventure do you get these from? Is it just them all?

  4. the forgotten desert


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!