
Thursday, May 8, 2014

Greely Tiki, Picnics at Sunset, and AINMAL Jam

Hey jammers! This is Stang.

Before some people comment that I spelled animal wrong, it's supposed to be spelled like that.

Before we talk about ainmals, heres' the new item!

It is the Sunken Greely Tiki Statue! :)
Sorry about the really not-descriptive post yesterday; I was in a rush, and a bad post is better than no post, right? It had a picture and all.
This one strangely looks simpler and neater than the others.

New stuff on the DE!
Winners of the picnic jammer snaps and jammer art or sunsets!
Hey look: Liza wrote the post and has her own signature and seal! :)

What's with the ainmal jam?
Well I was typing in to get the new DE posts, but I spelledit wrong, and came upon this. 
How many other AJ impostors are there?

Well, that's not it for today! Check out Fun for some.. new stuff. 
Bye jammers, and share to support! Keep reading!



  1. it is just trying to see what you mean so there really isn't

    1. It's an actual site. The stuff on the right side are ads; there's a blue arrow/triangle y it.


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!