
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Yesterday's Items, Today's Items, and More from Snowy!

Hey Jammers! This is SnowyTaco posting today!

You may have known that yesterday, Stang was in a real rush and didn't post any pictures. So for your convenience, I have them here! c: The first one is the nonmember Wolf Claw, where you only can get Wolf plushies. If you don't have enough gems to purchase one (like me), you can always play it at the Wolve's Only Party. The second item was the Greely Tiki Statue, and like all of its other Shaman statues, it costs 500 gems. That's all the things from yesterday!

Today's new item is the Kite! It costs 2,500 tickets and is sold at the Summer Carnival Shop. 

That's all of AJ's updates today!

But if you have the time, please click to read more about some of my art and a new CONTEST!

Thanks for clicking! :3

So first, I have some doodles that I drew in my sketchbook. The first one is a bunny, and the second one is a panda. They were supposed to be more Animal Jam styled, but I guess I got carried away...

Sorry for low quality!!! XC

This is another thing I painted in the Art Studio in Coral Canyons. As you can see, I wasn't finished with the whole thing because i can some computer problems. Luckily, I snapped a quick pic of it before it disappeared! It was supposed to be about Bubble Trouble, the newest game in Phantom Adventure, so I was really hoping to send it in to AJ and see if it could be displayed :D I'm going to try to edit it... somehow... 


Hey Jammers! I'm hosting a new, summer-themed contest for you guys, and there will be lots of PRIZES!! ^o^

All you guys need to do is either:

1. Send me a picture of your animal in a cool summer-themed outfit! (Send to It could be anything, from fabulous beach get ups to tropical island adventuring suits! ANYTHING that's related to SUMMER! Backgrounds are encouraged!

Also include your username in the email.
Here are some examples of what is qualifies:


What you probably shouldn't do:
First of all, it's not winter in AJ, and second, your player is not really the center of attention. 

2. Comment below what vacation/stay-cation plans you're having! Maybe you'll be going to the Bahamas for a cruise, or just chillin' with your friends and family. It could be as simple as sleeping the whole summer break (though I highly recommend not to)! Remember to comment only the general ideas and not give away too much info, such as commenting when you will be going, or the exact location of your stay.  

Include your username in the comment.

IF YOU LIVE IN THE SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE, I understand that it is winter for you, so I will allow you to send winter themed pictures / winter vacation comments instead. 

Prizes: Every participant's username will be included in a post at the end of the contest. Other prizes may be rare items, art, or other stuff (one month of membership idk .-.) I'm not exactly sure yet, but I'll tell you later on!

End Date: Not decided.

And that's it for today! Tell your AJ buddies about this contest, and please enter!

1 comment:

  1. Hi My name is clittletiger (or Kawaii Unicorn!) I love your darwings! They are AMAZING!!! Would you happen to need any more authors? I would really love to be one if you need one? Thanks!
    _Kawaii Unicorn


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!