
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Stang is Back and a HUGE Post! New Code, Journal and More!

Hi buddies, this is Stang!
I'm back from vacation and can now post regularly!

Sorry about the many missed posts, buddies. Turns out, Katniss has to move and had to go to relatives' places(not because she was moving, as far as I know) so she was unable to post.

I heard there was a new code from National Geographic Kid's book. They ask you to find how many Lizas are in the book then type the amount as a code.

The code is twelve

It gives you one diamond! Sparkles...

Anyway there were a lot of new items so here they are:

Mammoth Tusks and other stuff Katniss posted :)

A lot of new Icecream Parlor themed items, due to the new den item contest results. At first I thought it was a whole new den. (Did anyone else think that too?)

Tiki-themed furniture items. 

Oh and by the way, here's the accessories contest winner: the Ribbon Scarf!

Here's 5 pages of the Jamaa Journal from the last update. 
Instead of page numbers, there were the letters O T T E R, which spells.... Otter! :)

(Sorry the picture is small, click for bigger image.)

Here's the new Jamaa Journal!

Tavie the Dolphin Alpha Adventure. 

Ottters ARE coming, and an otterly fun video!

Click "read More" to see what the new otter looks like! (Sorry this post is really really huge!)

Den items with a theme picked by the majority of jammers!

Advertisement for AJHQ's new book about Animal Jam; a game guide. 

Adoption week! Buy pets for a lower price (or go to the pillow room and get one for free!) and now you can walk around a den before you decide to buy it with den previews! :D

Well, that's it for today! Check out the Daily Explorer Monday Rares page to see past RIMs!
Bye buddies, share to support and jam on!

~Stang :)


  1. u welcome for otter pics :3

  2. I have one observation: why would the color theme for this month's news be GRAY?(sorry if I spelled that wrong. I don't know if it's grey or gray! these things confuse me ;D) Sorry if that sounds odd as an observation, but I think it's weird x3

    1. oh and, lots of people consider gray like a rainy day, and to most people rainy day means sad, which does not make sense because this month's news was very exciting! (BTW, I really like rainy days. I like running in the rain and reading inside. im a bookworm :D P.S im also Rubikitty on animal jam and Rubi Sarna on google+

    2. Maybe they ran out of colors.

  3. Ummm,There are no free pets in the Pillow room..

    1. Oh I was referring to how many jammers like to go to the pillow room and pretend it's an adoption room. Some jammers pretend to be pets and others adopt them. I don't know if the still do this, but it happened A LOT last year (well, back then).


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!