
Monday, October 13, 2014

Miniature Post

Hi buddies, this is Stang.

We're having problems with posting, and one author has disappeared and then other isn't allowed to post.
I can't post everyday, unfortunately so you cna sign up to be an author to make things better.

There's a new skull item in Bahari Bargains and probably more in the regular clothing and den item shop. New items are also usually commonly found in the Epic Wonders and Diamond Shop. You can also check the Kimbara Imports to see if they are continuing their spooky theme.

Sorry for the super tiny post, buddies, but you can make the difference. Sign up today!



  1. I would be interested in becoming a writer for you informational database
    My electronic mail address is

    P.S: I will also accept requests for any other Animal Jam informational databases owned by fans too

    P.P.S: No, I don't always talk like that. I just think it's funny

    Yours truly,

    1. About me: I am a long time animal jammer, but still a non member. I have a blog of my own about AJ, but it's not very popular.

  2. By the way stang I am interested. Last time you tried I never got it. Your awesome and I want to be a part of this blog to help out one of my best friends. Thank you for the oppourtunity!


    Btw you already know my email so yeah :3

  3. Sorry for disappearing on you! Im backed up on homework and stuff x3 i'l post soon!



Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!