
Sunday, November 30, 2014

Snowboarding Helmet and Free Diamonds

Hi buddies, this is Stang.

Today's new item si the Snowboarding Helmet. It is found in the regular clothing shop.

Here's a notification I got while I was on today!

That's it for today, bye! Share to support and jam on!


Saturday, November 29, 2014

Snowflake, Epic Staffs (with Picture) and Favorite Foods

Hi buddies, this is Stang!

Today's new item are the Snowflake Boots! They are found in the Mt. Shiveer shop.

Yesterday I was having technological problems, so I wasn't able to get the picture, but now I have it. Here is he Epic Healing Staff! The Alpha Healing Staff is exactly the same but has a green gem on top instead.

There's a lot of new thing on the DE, as always.

Here's a Jammer Snaps of favorite foods!

There's some random stuff on Fun. Anyway, that's it for today so share to support and comment. Thank you for reading and jam on, bye!


Friday, November 28, 2014

Topcoats and Healing Staffs! :0

Hi buddies, this is Stang!

Today's new item is the Topcoat.
Credit to for this picture. (I am having computer problems.)

Thank you Iceclaw28730 For notifying me about two new, mysterious items called the Epic Healing Staff and the Alpha Healing Staff!  :)

It looks like, well, a staff, and the epic one has a blue gem as the alpha one has a green gem on top. It appears to be a back item.

I have a picture but I am facing technological diffuculties so check back later for pictures.

Thank you for reading and share to support. Play wild and jam on, bye!


Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Feast of Thanks! Plus Fruit and Polar Bear Actions

Hi buddies, this is Stang!

Happy Feast of Thanks! (Or Happy Thanksgiving, as it is called in some countries.)

Today's new item is food! The Fruit Bowl is a returning item that appears around this time every year.

 Today I saw Katniss605 (she's a former author and we're buddies) and she helped me with the polar bear actions! :)

Here are the sits:


The dance resembles... ballet?

Read more for the other actions!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Furry Hats Are Back!!

Hey Buddies, it's Lulu again with another post! The radical Furry hats are back in stores for 350 gems, it's sadly for members only.

 I think that's all for today's post but, before I go here's a fun fact about these Furry Hats: There is a very rare raspberry color (different from this one) that AJ released for 1 hour, when it was sold for the first time, after the hour AJHQ realized the color coding was wrong so they fixed it, now the raspberry color is very very rare now. Well that's all Buddies see you later.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Garden of Ice, Twists and Turns, and More!

Hi buddies this is Stang!

We have a new author, so if you haven't read her introductory post yet, go to the homepage and scroll a bit.

Today's new item is the Ice Garden! It is a returning den object, found in the Epic Wonders.

In the Diamond Shop is a new soundtrack of Twists and Turns!
(Has it been released? I forgot to check... :T)

Today I had a problem with me jam-a-grams. There were a bunch of old AJHQ mail and after about ten of the,m, I saw some of my regular mail, like this one. (It was loading very slowly, however; the bunny showed but not its clothes.)

Here's a polar bear clothing/pattern idea! Simple and nice. 

That's it for today, so share to support and jam on, bye!


Monday, November 24, 2014

Rare Turkey Hats And New Author

Hey buddies, this is Lulu! Wait...I should introduce myself first, I'm the new author for the wonderful blog Animal Jam Buddies! Some things about me are, i'm a radical person who loves cute kittens, drawing anime (even though I have no idea how, I'm still trying) and reading Homestuck I also like to Skateboard and do outdoor sports.

Enough about me, lets get to the Rare Item Monday item, shall we? 
Today's new item is a Rare Turkey Hat, it kinda looks like a freedom turkey hat, doesn't it?...Or maybe that's me.

Well I guess that's all for today. See ya later buddies!

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Mops, Feast Snaps and NEW Glitch

Hi buddies, this is Stang!

We might be getting a new author soon! :D

Today's new item is the Mop and Bucket! It reminds me of the salon broom-object.
It's non-member! Yay!

Hey jammers, it's that time of year again! Take a picture of yourself serving your favorite foods! (On Animal Jam.)

I found an all-new glitch!
When your page is loading sometimes random numbers flash on for a second, but the glitch quickly corrects itself. 
What do you think the number mean? Comment your ideas below! :)

Animal Jam Trivia: Guess what two animals are on this loading page? Comment your answer below. 

This is really random but I feel like sometime about this changed.... (The building maybe?)

That's it for today, so share to support and jam on! Don't forget to comment, too, bye! :)


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Maple Leaf Basket, New Button, Antisocial Polar Bear Sighting and Much More!

Hi buddies, this is Stang!

Check out my newest game, called Mr Food! Click here to play it! 
(Mr. Food is completely safe and for all ages.)

The Feast of Thanks is coming soon, so we have many new items that go along with its theme.

Today's new item is the Maple Leaf Rug, and three other somewhat new item are in the picture too; the Vegetable Basket, the Fruit Bask and the Wood Burning Stove.

This is what the new Glove looks like. It's only 750 gems! My clothing inventory is 98/100 so I didn't buy one. Is it the rare glove; does it have all the old colors? 

There is a new den button on the top left corner! I guess you use it to get to your den faster if you accidentally pressed the World Map button? 

I found a polar bear! :D
But it turned out to be really antisocial and left right away so I couldn't get the actions from it... If you happen to have a polar bear or get pictures of the actions, please send them to, thanks! :)

This post is very long, so click Read More to learn about the latest adventure (the corn maze), how to get every single plaque in Animal Jam, and to read the weekly comic! :D

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Polar Bears Arrived, Gloves Are Back, and More!

Hi buddies, this is Stang.

Today there is a very big update! (But I can't get all the pictures because I'm in a rush, sorry D: )

Polar bears are here! They sell for 10 diamonds and have access to land as well as water areas! You can read about them at the Conversation Museum.

The Feast of Thanks is coming soon! AJ brought back Gloves to show how "thankful" they are. (However, this might make some people who already have a lot of gloves enraged.) There are also new colors!

Jamaalidays are coming soon, so play everyday to receive gifts! (Don't worry, you don't have to play for days straight-- you get one gift a day.)

There are two new (regular) items: the Fruit Basket and the Wood Burning Stove! They are both for members.

That's it for today, bye! (Share to support and comment!)


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Umbrella and Gills

Hi buddies, this is Stang.

Sorry for the short post, I'm having problems posting. Let's hope one of the other authors posts soon.

Today the new item is the Umbrella Holder!

This is the Monday Rare:

Share to support and jam on, bye!


Monday, November 17, 2014

Rare Gills

Hi buddies, it's Stang. The new item is the Rare Salamander Gills.

(Note from the Future Stang: Sorry I was barely able to post.)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Den Design Ideas

Hi buddies, this is Stang with a special post: Den Design Ideas.

Don't know how to make your den look unique? Then this post is perfect for you! :)

Note: If you are reading this in a language other than English, the word "plushie" is not a real word but a word from Animal Jam, and it means "stuffed animal".

1. Plushie Display

The Plushie Collection display is a neat and organized way to show off your plushies without cluttering up your den. Since they are so small, I suggest putting them in a place where it is raised and away from other items, like the barriers in your house that separates the den form the outside.

Plushie display! You actually can't fully see some of them up there, but it looks cool.

2. Plushies with bows!

They look make your animals look cute but...

...avoid putting them on these special type of plushies that move, because when you click ti and it rolls up into a ball, you are left with a weird "floating" bow. 

An alternative to that is putting them on other stuff, but if the animal is too small, it will look weird. 

You can also put bows on other things that will fit it. (For example, phantoms do not fit a bow, unless you want to make it look funny.)

3. Fake Second Floor

I'm a non-member, and as you may know, we non-members don't like how we don't get to do certain things that members get to, like having a bigger house.
Anyway, I used a rug (you get one when you start) to make a second floor. You can't access it so it can be like a "storage" are where you can put random objects that look nice but don't fit in with your theme.

4. Symmetric Dens

Symmetry in dens makes them look really nice, especially if the items go together.

5. Phantom Globes (A Concept)

If something looks like it will fit with something else, mash them together and if it make a cool new item, keep it. This phantom has a circular top and it's about the same size as the snow-globe. 

Basically, you can stack items to make them look better!
This one is a scarecrow on a portal on a stone circle. (Warning: the portal changed color so sometimes if it is a non-matching color, it will look really bad.)

If we get a lot of great feedback, I'll make some 'sequel' posts! Thank you for reading, share to support, and jam on! Bye!


Turkeys, Coat Hangers, AJ VS Minecraft and More!

Hi buddies, it's me, Stang posting. Posting is quite hard but I'll try to post when possible. ;)

Maybe you can sign up to be an author and post on this blog. You'll meet new people, make friends, learn many things and a lot of other stuff. (It's a big responsibility though, but if you're a Blogger at heart, you'll enjoy it.)

The Turkey Hat is back! :)

We also have two new den items: the Wood Coat Hanger, and the Salon Rug! I believe the pattern on the rug is different types of animal hairs/furs. 

Here are two old polls!

Do you like Animal Jam or Minecraft better?

Which game won? Click read more for the answer! (And another poll result.)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Link Within, Shelf, and DE Art and Pictures

Hi buddies, this is Stang.

Today's new item is another salon themed den item: the Salon Shelf. It sells for 400 gems and is for members.

I recently added a gadget called Link Within, which 'recycles' old posts and suggests older posts related to the current post you are reading. 

I haven't posted about the Daily Explorer for a while, so here it is!
These are Jammer Snaps. 

And here is some jammer art!
(This is supposed to be a GIF, so let me know if it isn't working. It's not working for me.)

That's it for today. Share to support, read those posts that Link Within is suggesting (find the gadget right at the end of a post) and jam on! Bye buddies! ^-^
