
Saturday, November 22, 2014

Maple Leaf Basket, New Button, Antisocial Polar Bear Sighting and Much More!

Hi buddies, this is Stang!

Check out my newest game, called Mr Food! Click here to play it! 
(Mr. Food is completely safe and for all ages.)

The Feast of Thanks is coming soon, so we have many new items that go along with its theme.

Today's new item is the Maple Leaf Rug, and three other somewhat new item are in the picture too; the Vegetable Basket, the Fruit Bask and the Wood Burning Stove.

This is what the new Glove looks like. It's only 750 gems! My clothing inventory is 98/100 so I didn't buy one. Is it the rare glove; does it have all the old colors? 

There is a new den button on the top left corner! I guess you use it to get to your den faster if you accidentally pressed the World Map button? 

I found a polar bear! :D
But it turned out to be really antisocial and left right away so I couldn't get the actions from it... If you happen to have a polar bear or get pictures of the actions, please send them to, thanks! :)

This post is very long, so click Read More to learn about the latest adventure (the corn maze), how to get every single plaque in Animal Jam, and to read the weekly comic! :D

Unfortunately, the Corn Maze adventure is not out yet. AJHQ is having problems with it. 

Earn your plaques! 

Here is a list of every plaque you can currently earn, and how. (Sorry for the blurriness.)

This is how the artists at AJHQ draw the comics. They start with a simple pencil scetch with the AJ logo on it. and work their way to the final product. 

Here's the latest comic, enjoy! :)

That's not it for today, there's a new drawing on Art, so check it out! Also, try the suggestion form Link Within (they are right under a post). It's really fun reading old posts and comparing how AJ and AJB was beck then to how it is now.

Thank you for reading, share to support and jam on! :)



  1. I've been told of a secret plaque you can earn by sending Animal Jam handwritten letter. I wrote them a letter and I'm waiting for results!

  2. I checked the gloves; there is only new colors, making these gloves unrare/beta but fashionable. :3

    1. YES! I feel better now XD
      I have like 12 gloves and I was worried they were going to become common.

  3. Ich habe Bilder von Tanzen, Spielen und Sitzen und sie schon geschickt :D


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!