
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Salon-Themed Den, Reception Desk, and an AJ Watermark

Hi buddies, this is Stang posting today. Recently, Bluewat has contacted me and said her parents have given her a time limit for computer time, so it's hard for her to post (but she'll try).

Today's new item is the Salon Reception Desk!

I found a salon-themed den! (Click for a larger size.)
The Salon Reception Desk covers the front entrance, and the walls are covered in mirrors and tables, as chairs are lined nearby. 

Did you notice that in the new "Happy Feast of Thanks!" jam-a-gram, there is an AJ watermark? (There are also some new winter themed 'stamps'.)

Here's a close up. 

Thanks for reading buddies, please check out other parts of the blog and jam on! Share to support, bye!


1 comment:

Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!