
Monday, December 8, 2014

2000 Comments, Long Bow, Candy and Rare Sleigh

Hey buddies, this is Stang posting today.

Sorry for the late post; Animal Jam went offline when I was going to post.


We reached 2000 comments about a week ago (I was very busy, however, so I couldn't post it at the time).

The comment was by Sebo G, whose Animal Jam username is Sebothebest.

These items came in a while ago but our authors didn't find them. 
From left to right, their names are: Gingerbread Treehouse, The Panda Claw, and Long Bow. 

Today's gift is the Marshmallow Chair!

Yesterday's item was the Jamaaliday Sweater.

 The Jamaaliday Lights are back!

The Candy Cane Tiara and the Candy Cane Crown came in recently. 

Today's Monday Rare is the Rare Gift Sleigh!

 That's it for today, bye!


1 comment:

Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!