
Monday, December 29, 2014

Inflatable Snow Man, and Support llovewolfsalot!

Hi, It's Bluewat!
Today we have an Inflatable Snowman and Support Ilovewolfsalot16829!

We got an inflatable snow man, and a diamond today (IF member <---) For Jammaliday Gifts.

A friend of mine named Ilovewolfsalot16829 has had some bad luck! She told me her computer broke and she has to use a friends laptop (bummer) She also says to have a serious (maybe fatal!!) Lung problem. Please support her.
I hope this helps you, Wolf. May your life be Blessed.

On a happier note, she is here today, and maybe I can do an interview. If you want an Interview post a comment. AT LEAST 5. I hope you enjoy your day,


Hi buddies, this is Stang.

Here's the Rare item Monday: Rare Jamaaliday Earmuffs, found on the second page of the regular clothing shop.

By the way, I hope Ilovewolfsalot recovers soon :0



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, I'm all better ^-^ - ilovewolfsalot :)

  2. I had pretty much the same reaction as Cutepups (I was surprised and I hope Ilovewolvesalot recovers quickly :0 )

    1. I'm all better now! :D Thank you - ilovewolsalot16829

  3. Gahh!

    Let's all hope that she'll get well soon!

  4. Replies
    1. Aww thank you owo - ilovewolfsalot16829

    2. Aww thank you owo - ilovewolfsalot16829


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!