
Monday, December 22, 2014

Jamaaliday Rescue: Overview and ALL Prizes

Hi buddies! This is Stang with a special post about the Jamaaliday Rescue adventure!

Did you know this is currently Animal Jam Buddies' largest non-Fun-page post? Anyway. here's all the good stuff:

It is a limited-time adventure and you can play it by clicking on the button, found in the parties section.

You start out here. The map is huge.

Collect presents and try to find the center of the labyrinth.

Presents! :)
They come in threes sometimes.

Near the center you will find an ice Mira statue. If you go up, it branches into 3 different paths.  

If you go a little bit down the path, you'll find four ice blocks. Find three others to help you jump on them and you'll receive amazing prizes!

If you look at the bottom right corner, you'll see the map. It doesn't help at all. Eventually, as you find you way around the map, you'll see that it is three question marks.

Near the top of the area you will find a path of gifts and reindeer.
Look! There's the Jamaaliday Cocoa Set! I took this picture before it came in; you can predict future gifts with this adventure, amazing!

For every 75 gifts you collect, you'll receive a prize! :)

Click read more for pictures of ALL possible prizes! 

(It took me a really long time to take a picture of all of them.)

And here are ALL the gifts in the Jamaaliday Rescue! (ALL OF THEM!!!)

Credit to Breadbox18614 for these pictures. Click here for the video.

These are the non-member prizes:

There's 20 non-member prizes so I won't be able to put a comment for all of them.

I want this .3.

Phantoms during the Jamaalidays? Mysterious.

Lots of Monday Rares....

And also a lot of trees, too.

Snow furniture, too!

The themes for non-member prizes seem to be snow furniture, trees and red and green rare items.

And here are the member items: (there's a lot, too)

There's also a lot of snow item, as well as a new "frozen" (not the movie) theme.

There's some Monday Rare prizes.

Do you notice a color pattern?

It's a penguin! >w<

Thanks for reading! Share to support, because this is a really information-packed post. I'm sure your friends will want to know about the Jamaaliday Rescue. (Especially if they love trading.)
Happy Jamaalidays and jam on!



  1. This is amazing! Thank you so much for making this! I'm sure that took you ages to make! ^.^

    1. Thanks! And yeah it took quite a while :)

    2. Took awhile? I have seen these pictures before and since your a nm how did you get the member pictures? You should not say you did something when you obviously did not.

  2. Its Bread08614 you got the name way wrong give credit to the real person by properly spelling his name at least, I mean he was the one who did the real work.

    1. Hey, sorry I made the mistake, but people make mistakes a lot. I didn't spell it wrong on accident.


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!