
Friday, August 30, 2013

Giant Gumball Machine, Map, and Chain Necklace

Hey jammers!
It's Stang posting today! :)

Sorry this post is late...
Honestly it'll kinda be like this during school so if you're a night owl, YAY! :)
I post late because I finish all my homework and then post, so you get the idea.

Anyway, the new item of the day is the Gumball Machine! Sells for 850 gems! Unfortunately, it's members...
Is it a returning beta? Because it kinda looks like one....

Also, the map changed from the Cartoon map, back the regular old map we had back then! :D
I think it was a change for good.

The Old Map.

The 'New' Old Map. ( Current.)

Also, DJ The Pony (on Google+, not AJ username) told me that she has seen an Arctic Wolf wear a Chain Necklace. It's most likely an unreleased item form the Phantom Adventures.
Sorry there is no picture of it available.

That's it for today, although there ARE new stuff on Fun! Check back on Fun about 10+ minutes after this post was updated to see some more new stuff on Fun! I created a fun new test so you guys can take!

Please comment and check out the other stuff! And share to help this blog grow!
(I've recently seen a decline in viewers. What happened?)
Well, happy jamming.



  1. hey i got an silver non mem chain necklace from adventure beta (arctic wolf cave) is it good? i am wondering how rare or beta it is if not thats ok :)

    -lolbunnyboo (Animal Jam username)

    1. A Silver Chain Necklace is great!
      It may come to store soon, but for now, it's pretty rare.
      You may hold an auction to trade it away for some really good stuff.
      I did that and I got a pink dragon glove and non-rare spike.

    2. Thanks!
      yesterday somebody traded me a non rare spike and rare heart locket for my non mem chain necklace but sadly i had to decline it because im non mem :'(

      -lolbunnyboo (animal jam username)

  2. how much is the pink purse worth? This is a bit random, but ppl were going mad when I put it on trade (Black Longs and even a light Pink Headdress!:O ) I'm not sure of what to do, can u help me?? I don't to under trade it since everyone is trading me extremely rare and beta stuff.
    My AJ username is Ihzcupquake, if you have any time could you check it out?


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!