
Friday, August 30, 2013

Animal Jam Theme Song

Hey jammers! Double post today, but I just felt like posting this, because I actually wrote this song about a month ago, and I decided I shouldn't post pone it any longer, and to go ahead and post it.

You probably know it's me, Stang posting today, because I posted like less than half an hour ago about the daily item.

Anyway, I wrote this song so you can play it on an instrument.

If you're really good at reading notes you can hum/sing it.

It's the Animal Jam Theme Song in C Major.

Here it is:

Before you play it, consider what instrument you are playing. 

Look at what instrument it is, or related to and see what the list has to say about it:

Piano: The song is good in (middle) C Major and D Major on the piano. 

Violin: D Major

Guitar: A higher major. I'm not sure about the specifics, but it sounds good when played in a higher pitch on the guitar.

Bass: Low pitch.

Flute: High pitch?

I just put some common instruments, so if you're wasn't listed there, use logic and see if your instrument is a low, medium, or high pitched type and just change the major to one that fits it.

I will try to get a video, but it's going to be kinda hard, but I'll try. I'm just saying this because if I didn't post a video like a few month later, just remember this.

Anyway, that's pretty much it.
I'll try to compose music form the other places around AJ, but honestly, some of them are un-compose-able.  Such as Mt. Shiveer, it's just some kinda mountain whoosy-whoosy noise.

Well, happy jamming!

~Stang :)

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  1. I wish i had an instrument and i REALLY WANT TO HEAR THE SONG!!!

  2. Good Job Stang It really works!

  3. Cool! I am figuring out the Animal Jam Theme song on my piano! I am going to write it down as i figure it out so i can scan it on my computer and maybe email it to a Animal Jam Blogger! :D Maybe i could email it to you! :)


    1. Okay! Thanks!
      If the blog likes it then we'll put it on the blog! :D

  4. Eep It's really cool! I tried it on my piano, it worked! :DD

  5. Lol everybody is playing it on the piano.
    I play the bassoon(bass clef), so thanks for writing the notes out, sonce I have no clue how to read a song that have a treble clef XD

    1. Ikr! Piano is a very popular instrument.
      Cool! Oh..
      So should I write it out in some other clef?

    2. well, you can XD
      but since you already wrote out the note names its not really nessasary

    3. Oh okay!
      (A short note to everyone who reads other people's comments: Sorry for all the alto, soprano, bass, and other clef instrument-playing people.)

  6. Hi stand this is fdelgado could u add me

  7. i play the violin and i gotta say, it ish awesome sounding.
    ~Moonstar77t (Moonheart77t on aj)

  8. I played on da keyboard.

  9. could you put the whole song please, also that is not how I play the AJ Melody.

    1. I forgot to tell you, whats the notes on the bass clef on piano?

    2. That's the whole song. Just keep repeating it haha.


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!