
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Jamaa Journal, Deer, and Gift

Hey jammers! This is Stang!

As you may have noticed, some posts are rather active with comments. You can check this one out:

Anyway, the new Jamaaliday gift is 400 gems!

Have you realized AJHQ changed the open presents to still be colorful but.. well obviously open. 

Anyway, DEER!

I caught a random deer pack. I think this is what they look like when you first buy it. 

Here's some actions. I'll try to get the full set of actions tomorrow, but for now... here's some. 

I have no idea what this is. It's like it's eating something. 

This is some kinda of prance, so maybe jump, play, or dance. If you see it in motion, they move their front legs around and slowly turn to the left. 

The Jamaa Journal! 

Deer are here!

And so are the Gingerbread houses and reindeer!

New Jamaaliday gift shop in the Diamond Shop, and a new party. 

Deer are in the conservation museum and there's a new adventure: Greely's Inferno! Coming soon... 

I skipped the ice armor page, because we've seen it already. 

Anyway, a jump advertisement. We've seen this too, but there's a new background. 

AJHQ sent this jam-a-gram to every jammers! Get ice armor!

Anyway, that's it for today! Share to support, and check out other pages and posts! ^-^

Bye! Happy jamming, buddies!


P. S. If you are the 20,000 viewer, please send me a picture of the 20,000 view counts, with some background. It should look like kinda this: (btw this is on chat)


  1. the second action is dance i am viewer 20346

  2. The first one sleeps, then wakes up all of a sudden, this is playing


  3. I just wanted to say that I just found this Blog and it's really good! - xXRobinHoodXx

  4. Hey stang, you should've posted the items in the diamond shop that were for all jammers.


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!