
Friday, June 27, 2014

Freedom Raccoon and Plusies, New JAG Stamps, and Commenting on the DE!

Hi buddies! This is Stang.

Thank you Snowytaco for posting yesterday! Click the link below to see her post. It's about new items, the Jamaa Journal and more awesome updates!

Today's new item, I hear, is in the Freedom Raccoon Hat, from the Freedom Party.

Credit to Jammer Akacip

Talking about freedom stuff, the freedom plushies from the Summer Carnival are here!
(The following pictures are all taken by me.)

Here's the new DE! It's about giraffes. 

You can COMMENT on the Daily Explorer! Wow!
The DE is becoming more and more like blogs like ours. 

You have to log in to comment, though. But it's a really cool, new feature!

There's new jam a gram stamps! (Sorry if this is late, but I don't really choose stamps when I send jam a grams >.<)

That's it for today, except most pages have been update not too long ago! Don't forget to read Snowytaco's post form yesterday, and jam on! Bye!


"Share to support and jam on!"


Hey jammers! A note from stang: Please be kind, appropriate and do not use any strong language. Thank you!