
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Glitchs and Masks!

Hi it's Bluewat! Sorry about my absence and not posting Stang. But I'm here now! We have a couple of glitches today!

                                                 Vamp mask                                           Hockey mask  (AHH scary xD)

A friend of mine showed me this awesome little glitch:
I want more than five NICE comments asking for this glitch if you want to learn it! Have a a spooky day!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Stuff (So Descriptive)

Hi buddies, this is Stang.

We are having posting difficulties. We will try to get back on schedule, or you can make the difference.

There's an Eyeball Hat in the regular clothing shop.



Monday, October 27, 2014

Spooky Top Hat, Member's Only and Art

Hi buddies, this is Stang!

Today we have a new Rare Item Monday, which is the Rare Spooky Top Hat! It is very in-theme.

This is what it looks like on an arctic wolf.

If you read the Jamaa Journal wrong like me, the additional den item spaces are members only. But what happens when your membership runs out? How does AJ choose which items to make "unreachable" and which items to remove form your den?

Silver Rivercat's friend recently made a speed-paint of my Google+ profile picture! (What my character used to look like on Animal Jam.)
Go to Art to check it out, it's amazing! :)

That's about it for today, so bye jammers! Share to support and comment! :0

~Stang ^-^

Sunday, October 26, 2014

A Short Post and a Mummy

Hi buddies, this is Stang.

This is a short post, by the way. I'm in a rush D:

The new item is the Mummy Mask, found in the regular clothing area.

That's it for today, except for two new polls. Share to support and jam on! Remember you can always sign up to be an author (read the gadget on the right sidebar.)


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Mytical Potions, Radio, Trick-Or-Teart, and Glitch!

Hi buddies, this is Stang. Sorry about no post yesterday :(

The Mystical Potion Set is very unique and isfound in the regular den item shop, just like the Spooky Radio.

The Trick-or-Treat Bucket is found in the regular clothing shop. 

The item reminds me of this:

Here's a glitch I encountered today! I was talking about fox hat with my buddy and then the glitch... occurred. 
As you may see, the items are blanked out on top and show way down on the bottom. Plus, realize that the top right box (the one containing the Fox Hat I was currently wearing) is not yellow as it usually would be if you animal is currently wearing it. 

That's not it for today, new stuff on the pages plus a new poll! Share to support and jam on, bye!


Thursday, October 23, 2014

Fun: June and July 2014

Hi buddies, this is Stang. 

The Fun page got quite crowded and long so here's another Fun post!
The months of June and July didn't have that many posts so I combined them.

Special Note: I posted this after August and other following months because turns out, I accidentally did not post this. 
If I actually did post this and there is a repeat in published posts on the blog, please let me know. Thank you!


July 14, 2014

Here's a maze I made today :)
If you guys would like I'll make more, but I'll be on vacation so for now let's put it on hold.

All the pages wont be updated for about 3 weeks except for Chat, which well, you guy can "update" it be chatting. 

July 13, 2014

I didn't play AJ yesterday so I no long have the x3 (times three) for Daily Spin prizes.

And the day I come back, I FINALLY GET THE DIAMOND.


July 8, 2014

Did you know the giant squid has the largest eyeball in the animal kingdom?

Eyeballs can get pretty big on particular animals....
I just realized that the eyeball seems to be... floating?!

Jamma Day Journal, Halo, Candy Bowl, NEW ANIMAL, and MORE!

Hi guys + girls! It's Bluewat, with  a TON of new stuff today. AJ is really bringing it in! We have all the new stuff in the journal including a NEW ANIMAL??!
I'll start with items first.
                                                                   Candy Bowl is back! :3
Next, Jamma Journal:

                             Awesome! I have a lot of den items and need more space ^^

 What is this? NEW ANIMAL??!! it looks like some kind  of lizard honestly.

BTW before you GOO.. please check out the post about DECIDING  ( <<< CLICKY CLICKY xD)
please it will make Halloween FUN Come on HELP ME OUT!! Ok, im done. Have a fun night,


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Spooky and Haunted Items, Phantoms, Masks,and the Den Portal

Hi buddies this is Stang.

Sorry about the no post, jammers. Where did my authors go D:
You can sign up to be one if you want. Just comment below or send me the info in any other way (preferably by email.)

Anyway, we have a bunch of new stuff!

In the regular clothing shop, we have the Robot Mask and the Zombie Mask!

In the regular den shop, we have a Spooky Couch, Spooky Chair, Spooky Sewer Cover and Haunted Bookshelf!

Why is the Spooky theme located in two different places?

By the way, here is the Spooky Lamp from the Kimbara Imports. 

Here are two possible prizes from the latest phantom adventure where you are you pet and collect candy. 
(Plus a weird, reoccurring glitch.)

Today, I was standing around talking with my buddy and someone traded me a wooden den portal, yay! (For my freedom wings, but those things came in a while ago.)

Click read more to find out more about the den portal and an ironic event....

Monday, October 20, 2014

Rare Balloon, Two New AJ Ads, and the Mask That Was On Fire

Hey buddies, this is Stang!

I made a new special post (click here to read it).

Okay, so I read some comments on the special post and they weren't very nice. Okay so I was hoping you guys didn't see me as greedy posting about how to send presents around the time of my birthday. You don't have to send presents. My birthday just reminded me of that stuff.
Note: I deleted the comments because they have bad words, plus they're not kind.

Anyway, today is Monday so here's the Monday Rare! The Rare Phantom Balloon has rather friendly colors but it seems pretty nice anyway.

Here is the Flaming Jock-O'-Lantern Mask! I love it because it's is cool.

Here is a new Animal Jam advertisement I found today. It's about fashion and parties. It always seems to me that the fox is always in the fashion Animal Jam advertisements, like in the old purple one about Best Dressed and more. 

Click read more for a little mystery and another advertisement! :)

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Hounted Bookshelf, Scary Clowns, and Phantom Invasions!

*English accent* Good Day, *Regular accent* It's Bluewat posting for another spooky item collection of bookshelves and clowns ! Also, if you checked my channel, I posted a odd video about the newest adventure.


So yesterday I finished the newest adventure, Bitter Sweets when I saw this map! CREEPY. I think we are going to have a HUGE phantom invasion soon, with the invaded Jamaa Journal and all that stuff. (Bitter Sweets map above)

Have a COOL day today and hope this post is enjoyed!

~Bluewat :3

Saturday, October 18, 2014

How Anyone (Including Non-Members) Can Send and Accept Gifts

Hi buddies, this is Stang again with a special post.

As you may, or may not, know, my birthday is around this time. (I can't tell you exactly when.) So I started thinking, how will I accept gifts andwhat if a non-member wants to send me one?

Well now they can!

Here is how you do it.

  1. Make a new Animal Jam account
  2. Fill it with whatever items you would like to give
  3. Secretly tell the person the username and password, by email or something else that others can not see. You can do it on Animal Jam but that defeats the point because then you can just trade. 

Remember to never tell someone the username and password on a public area, like the comment of this blog, or else someone most likely will steal the items.

Thanks for reading this! Be sure to share this with your friends and comment your feedback. Try out this new method :)
Share to support and jam on!

··· Stang ···

Bone Tails and Phantom Lamps

Hi buddies this is Stang! I am not on a computer right now so I can not get the picture of the daily item, but I know the names and locations.

The first item is the bone tail which looks quite like the main bone of a fish. It is white and is sold for a huge sum of 1000 gems at the regular clothes store.

The second item is the Phantom Lamp, which is a phantom on a purple lamp. Pretty cool but I thought it would be part of the spooky series.

That's not it for today; I will make a short but special post right after this. Thanks for reading, don't forget to read Bluewat's post from yesterday. Share to support and jam on!

Stang ♡

Friday, October 17, 2014

Monterous Hair, and Halloween chocies

                           Hi people! Bluewat finally here for another post! (If you didn't notice I Disappeared without a trace for a week xD)  Well, since there was only one daily item today, im doing a little I-ask-you answer-kind of thing!

                                                     Here is the Daily Item..

                        So, like I said before I need some help deciding some Halloween/den decorating help.

                   What should I dress up as on Halloween night? Do you readers want me to tell you a Halloween story on The Night (Halloween)?  And last of all, should I Decorate my den Halloween Style, Egyptian, or make an ice cream parlor. Trust me, I have enough gems.
 (29,267, in fact)
          Please comment. it would help, and I have some REALLY good Halloween stories. But, this is all based on YOUR response! Have a spooky day, jammers!

~Bluewat :3

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Weekly AJ Comics, Spooky Epic Items, Green Diamonds and More!

Hi buddies! This is Stang.
Sorry for no post yesterday; Bluewat came back about two days ago so I posted the day she came and I assumed she would start posting the next day.

Today we have a lot from the Daily Explorer, a real picture of the fabled green diamonds and a bunch of new items!

Here's the Coffin, part of the spooky theme in Kimbara Imports.

Here are two new items from the Epic Wonders: the Epic Dragon Wings and Epic Dragon Skull. 

Also from the Epic Wonders is the Bubbling Cauldron! This item seems amazing, and the art is interesting. Usually Animal Jam are is block-like instead of fading purple light in this item. 

And today's last item is the Superhero Cape, from the Bahari Bargains. 

Thanks to Iceclaw28730 for sending in this picture of green diamonds. These fabled diamonds have finally been caught on camera! :)
(It's somewhat blurry because it was literally caught on camera.)

Here are four posts from the Daily Explorer!

My favorite one are the comics. It seems like Animal Jam was destined to be in them. They're amazing!

Click 'Read More" to read the next comic (the sequel) and more from the Daily Explorer!

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Cupid Wings, Skeleton Mask, and Spooky Den Items

Hi buddies, here's a quick post., by Stang.

Yesterday's Monday Rare were the Rare Cupid Wings.

Today's item is the Jack-o-Lantern Head and yesterday's was the Skeleton Mask.

As predicted by my last post, the spooky theme has continued, in the Spooky Fence and Spooky Table. 

That's it for today, bye jammers! Share to support and jam on!


Monday, October 13, 2014

Miniature Post

Hi buddies, this is Stang.

We're having problems with posting, and one author has disappeared and then other isn't allowed to post.
I can't post everyday, unfortunately so you cna sign up to be an author to make things better.

There's a new skull item in Bahari Bargains and probably more in the regular clothing and den item shop. New items are also usually commonly found in the Epic Wonders and Diamond Shop. You can also check the Kimbara Imports to see if they are continuing their spooky theme.

Sorry for the super tiny post, buddies, but you can make the difference. Sign up today!


Saturday, October 11, 2014

Eyeball, Rug, Lanterns and Epic Tree

Hi buddies, this is Stang.

Sorry for the extremely late post :(
I was hoping that Bluewat or Riverclanmistyfoot would post.

Anyway, there's a lot of new items today.

First, there's the Eyeball Antenna found in the normal clothing shop,

In Kimbara Imports is the Spooky Rug. 

You can buy three new jack-o-lanterns in the forest. 

And lastly, the Epic Seasonal Tree is in fall color now. 

Don't forget to vote on the new poll and share to support, bye!


Friday, October 10, 2014

Water Tutu, Green Diamonds, and Pet Adventure

Hi buddies, this is Stang posting today.

Before the new item and everything else stated above in the title, I would like to remind you that you can ask to be an author anytime, just follow the directions on the right sidebar. (The text gadget that is about becoming an author.)

Anyway, today's new item is the Tutu, which is an underwater item found at Bahari Bargains.

Today when I visited the Diamond Shop, the diamonds blinked green for a fraction of a second. I wasn't expecting it so I decided to go somewhere else and return to see if it 'glitched' again. It did, but it's always too fast for me to take a screenshot (and I can't take videos). 

It's very strange... Did this ever happen to you? Any ideas why it happens?

Just not I noticed that adventures that you can't join due to being a non-member or having a low level are put in grey-scale. (Sorry if this is old; I don't use my seal much while playing adventures.)

Here are some pictures of the latest adventure, which features your pet and prototype phantoms. You chase them to get 4 pieces of candy. There is a time limit of, I believe, 12 minutes?

Click read more to see more adventure pictures, plus the DE and a short summary.