
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hi buddies, this is Stang!

(Sorry this is late in the majority countries /).^)

Thanks everyone for supporting this blog! You have made it an exciting and wonderful year. :)

I used my Stangerine account to get the daily pictures today. 

Today's Jamaaliday Gift are the Icicle Lights!

Apparently the New Years Party was released sometimes around December 17/18 but I did't see it, hear of it or anything else to do with it. This is actually my first time at the party (this year). 

Here's where the clothing items are. 

My favorite ones are the New Year's Celebration Hat and Flag. (Did you know the Flag was released a very long time ago and has been out of stores until now?)

Here's where the music is.

It includes a wide variety of music from many seasons of Jamaa. 

The den items are upstairs! :)

TThere's the 2015 banner! Doesn't it look just like the 2014 banner?

Near the front of the ice den is a snowman, whom you can click on for a little snowman "badge". They can be a snowman or snow-woman. 

Talking about snowmen, here's the daily item: the Snowman Thrones!

That's it for today. Share to support and jam on. Happy New Year, jammers, bye! :)


Last note: Here's a commenting idea! What is your new years resolution?

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Giant Snow Globe And Pile Of Snowballs

Hey buddies, guess who? It's LULU!! Yay i'm back :3
Let's go to the new items, shall we?

Today's new Jamaaliday item is the Giant Snow Globe!

Look how happy the animals are....even though they're stuck in a snow globe forever.

Next item is.....Pile Of Snowballs, a returning item from 2013!

I think that's all of the items for today buddies, さようなら!

Monday, December 29, 2014

Inflatable Snow Man, and Support llovewolfsalot!

Hi, It's Bluewat!
Today we have an Inflatable Snowman and Support Ilovewolfsalot16829!

We got an inflatable snow man, and a diamond today (IF member <---) For Jammaliday Gifts.

A friend of mine named Ilovewolfsalot16829 has had some bad luck! She told me her computer broke and she has to use a friends laptop (bummer) She also says to have a serious (maybe fatal!!) Lung problem. Please support her.
I hope this helps you, Wolf. May your life be Blessed.

On a happier note, she is here today, and maybe I can do an interview. If you want an Interview post a comment. AT LEAST 5. I hope you enjoy your day,


Sunday, December 28, 2014

AJHQ's [Amazing] Gift! And More :)

Hi buddies, this is Stang!

Smores :T
Today's latest Jamaaliday gift is the Snowman Fridge! If you click the fridge, it will open! (But wait, there's more! There's two parts to the fridge and they open separately! :D)

This is kind of late but:
I'm going to spam them >:D Mwauahahahaha! 

If you look at all of the emotes, you'll realize that there's double, or quadrupled or even more! (I counted 8 regular non-member happy smiley cat faces!) However, they added new ones, like the mushroom and gift box! :)

Plus, where's this face? They seem to be missing some faces... 

Today's new item is the Snow Fort Pennant Flag! But why do they make it available to non-members if we can't even buy the snow-fort snow?!

Okay so my buddy and I went on a gaming spree (we played probably 10 rounds of 4 gem and a bunch of other games) but unfortunately we have really slow computers and did it right in the middle of an overcrowded, laggy Jamaa Township. 
And that is what made this: (is it a glitch? The game never loaded so I guess it is...)

Anyway that's it for today! (Or is it?)

Thanks for reading, check out other parts of the blog, share to support, comment and jam on!


Saturday, December 27, 2014

Poofy Rug, Glitch, What is your FAV present/presents? (Sorry stang)

Hey, It's Bluewat! Sorry for not posting in a while, I was SOO busy making presents and organizing the ones I got. So first, the Glitch, then Poofy Rug,  New advertisement, and heheh... something else x3 AND What Was Your Favorite Present?

Yesterday I did the Daily spin and it said I was on for 0 days and it didn't give me a present. here is what I got today OUT OF NO WHERE! (look down)

This is the Poofy Rug I'm sleeping on ^^ (sorry crowded in my den)

New advertisement I saw on Transformice. (<-- Transformice was meant to be corrected as Transform ice haha NO IT'S SERIOUS D:<)

*Hugs Batman* :3 I love you better in the Sky.
These are my favorite  Gifts I got this year. If you do not celebrate a holiday around this time, comment below what your dream present is. if you do, comment your favorite present!
 Super Smash Bros SDS

 High Quality (GERMAN) Plastic/rubberish? Dragon With Rider

 Minecraft Collection of Books
Don't worry, I'm still a girl! (those presents do not seem girlish, I guess.) Well, long post. hope you enjoy!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Epic Ice Cave, Fort and Wonders

Hi buddies, this is Stang.

If you've been wondering why Lulu hasn't posted for a while, it's because she's on vacation. (Sorry I forgot to tell you guys earlier.)

Today's new Jamaaliday gift is super cool! It's the Ice Cave. Isn't there a a member item that looks a lot like this? (Like a stone cave, though.)

There's a new Snow Fort Wall in stores. Maybe you can make a maze or another mini-house with them. 

Today when I was getting me gift I had too many den items so I had to recycle some stuff. However, my computer was being slow and laggy and glitchy, so after I recycled something to fit in the gift, the recycle pop-up stayed there. 

Sorry buddies, I forgot to check the Epic Wonders for a while, but this stuff is still "new". 

Here's the Jamaaliday Branch Antlers.

 And here is the Snowflake Throne:

That's not it for today! There's new stuff on the Fun page. Thanks for reading! Share to support, comment and jam on!


Thursday, December 25, 2014

Center of the Labyrinth, Gingerbread Gifts, and More! :)

Hi buddies, this is Stang!

Christmas has already passed in many countries, but not yet where AJHQ is, so Merry Christmas! 

Today's new Jamaaliday gift is the Gingerbread Wings! They come in multiple colors. 

This is yesterday's gift, the Gingerbread Top Hat. 

I realized I never showed you readers what the Icicle Horn looked like so here it is!

This si what the center of the Jamaaliday Rescue looks like:

Sent in by Webkinz78620!

There's three new den items: the Sliegh Runway, Giant Gift Pile, and Phantom Snow Tree. 

Another new item is the Snowman Mask. 

Thanks for reading, share to support and jam on! Happy Holidays, bye!


Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Tons of Topiaries and More

Hi buddies! This is Stang.

Click here for a guide to the Jamaaliday Rescue and all possible prizes! (Over 40!)

Today's new Jamaaliday gift is the Jamaaliday Mailbox! It looks a lot like the blue mailbox that came into stores yesterday.

By the way, the welcome sign changed with the new home page. This s what it looks like. 

There's a ton of new item in the garden shop in the Serapia Forest. 

There's a Carnation and a bunch of Lit Topiaries. 

That's it for today, bye jammers!


Monday, December 22, 2014

Jamaaliday Rescue: Overview and ALL Prizes

Hi buddies! This is Stang with a special post about the Jamaaliday Rescue adventure!

Did you know this is currently Animal Jam Buddies' largest non-Fun-page post? Anyway. here's all the good stuff:

It is a limited-time adventure and you can play it by clicking on the button, found in the parties section.

You start out here. The map is huge.

Collect presents and try to find the center of the labyrinth.

Presents! :)
They come in threes sometimes.

Near the center you will find an ice Mira statue. If you go up, it branches into 3 different paths.  

If you go a little bit down the path, you'll find four ice blocks. Find three others to help you jump on them and you'll receive amazing prizes!

If you look at the bottom right corner, you'll see the map. It doesn't help at all. Eventually, as you find you way around the map, you'll see that it is three question marks.

Near the top of the area you will find a path of gifts and reindeer.
Look! There's the Jamaaliday Cocoa Set! I took this picture before it came in; you can predict future gifts with this adventure, amazing!

For every 75 gifts you collect, you'll receive a prize! :)

Click read more for pictures of ALL possible prizes! 

(It took me a really long time to take a picture of all of them.)