
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Introducing Stang Specials! And Hermit Crabs, Favorite, and an Extraordinary Glitch

Hi buddies, this is Stang.

I haven't posted in quite a while. Did you miss me? ;)
Just kidding XD

Well here's the new item. It was really hard to find due to the fact that it was on the Royal Ridge and only eagles can access there.

Credit to Akachip6897 (I couldn't find it >.<)
Here's the new Daily Explorer; it's a video so I decided to upload it right here! :)

Animal Jam - Ask Tierney: Why do hermit crabs change shells?

I have an announcement! Since I am not going to post as much as I used to (everyday), I will be making special posts once in a while.

Introducing... Stang Specials!

I'll aim for once a week but I don't know if I will be able to get so many ideas. The other authors, Riverclanmistyfoot, Bluewat, and possibly more new authors, will be posting regularly. Riverclanmistyfoot has done an amazing job with posting and Bluewat is doing good too, seeing that she is new to blogging.

Anyway, about the Stang specials, I'll be posting about special things on Animal Jam as well as other special interests, most likely animals.

Here's a poll that has been up for a really long time. (I apologize. With new authors I'll try to make more gadgets, specials and update pages more, although there is a reason why I added new authors.)

Anyway, here's the poll, which is your favorite. I meant which is your favorite food (there was a note below the poll that I added later).
I took author names and turned them into food names :)
I'm Stangerines [tangerines], Crispymint is the next choices, you can easily tell for Snoywtaco's and Katniss's was a little harder so the only food item I could find was one for... cats...

Anyway, the Stangerines won, with the Crispy Chocolate Mint Cookies in second!

Here's a super crazy, amazing glitch I found a long time ago!
(I had some computer problems so I wasn't able to post it for a long time.)

I believe this is the exact dame chair, but it's turned around.... Are they two different items? I highlighted them and it showed the same exact name! Is this a mystery item that Animal Jam was planning to release but didn't?

Here's a leaving item. I can't post that many pictures of these things because it would take a long time. I don't even know how Riverclanmistyfoot does it XD 

Goodbye The Bunny Claw! D:
Well, that's not it for today! There's new art on, of course, the art page! Share to show your support, comment feedback, and jam on! Bye!


Monday, September 29, 2014

Rare Cone Collar and Sales

Hey guys!! It's RiverClanMistyfoot, bringing y'all the new item of the day!!! Hope you're having a good day :)

Anyway, it's RARE ITEM MONDAY :D Meh favorite day of the week :)

Wow ~ definite phantom colors here! Da rare cone collar is found in the Medical Shop in Kimbara Outback. Just click the "Sale" button right next to the entrance and it'll be on the second page :)

A post from the Daily Explorer :)

Oh, and speaking of Kimbara Outback, it looks like the rest of the items there (clothing only, sorry) are on sale!!! :O
Yay!!! Less spend, more gain XD...

Cya all  next time!!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

How to Blog: For Beginners

Hi buddies, this is Stang!

This is a blogging tutorial for beginners who have absolutely no experience. More advanced blogging tutorials will later follow; How to Blog: For Intermediate Bloggers, and so on.

Creating a Blog

If you want to make your own blog, type in the name of your blog and then For example, when I wanted to make Animal Jam Buddies, I typed in
(Hint: Don't use spaces!)
If the name is not taken, there will be the Blogger symbol, some writing, and a button saying: 'Register [blog name]'.

If you are a new author who has been added to help on someone else's blog, go to and you will see this:

Sorry the picture is so small >w< You can click images to make them bigger. 


Click the big orange button with a pencil silhouette to make a new post.

Click the paper icon to see existing posts. Next to the paper icon is a button, which if you click it, will turn into a drop down bar with many choices. If you are on the posts page,  the options will be on the left side.

When you click 'Create New Post', it will lead you to a blank template.  

Notice that there are two blank parts for you to type in. The long skinny one is where you type in the title. 

The big blank rectangle is where you type the actual post. 

You can use the small rectangle of icons in between the title area and typing area to insert pictures, videos, links and make your writing bold, italic, or underlined, or you can change the font and size. 

Navigating Around Blogger

If you are on a posts page or something else, you will see a sidebar and the left. You can click the words to see the overview (how many views you've been getting) and other thing.

If you don't own the blog, you probably won't see everything, like pages, which only the creator can edit.

I'll have more about owning and managing a blog and all that intermediate stuff in another How to Blog post, for Intermediate Bloggers.
If you want to learn even more about blogging, check out my two other posts about blogging! There posts are mainly for people who already know the basics but want to become even better.

Blog Tutorial -- Sidebars and Pages
How to Make a Successful Blog

Thanks for reading! Share to support, comment your feedback and play wild! If you need additional help feel free to request a post. Bye!


___ Dedicated to Bluewat, our newest author. I made this post because she did not have much posting experience. ____

Falling Fall

Hai again, meh people!!! It's RiverClanMistyfoot here, and I'm gonna rush through this at the speed of my fingers..... :)

New item today:
Introducing ze rake and leaf pile, found on the first page of the Jam Mart Furniture!!! Hmm... I remember something like this being here last year... without the rake, though, I think....

A new post from AJ Explorer.....
XD Sorry for the small pic, had to shrink it to fit one solid cut, and I was too lazy to get it in two or three times :) 

Quick quick quickzzzzzzzz ~ The items that will be going away within the next week, give or take :) Be sure to get that stuff before it gets chewed away by the new phantoms hovering in Jamaa!!!

Speaking of phantoms, looks like this year's phantoms are quite tame ~ Spent a couple minutes trying to make one zap me, but it won't lol :D

Spotted this near the bulletin board (I hope that's what it's called XD) in Jamaa Township..............

And lastly, I wonder why it's snowing around that particular phantom... A shout-out to you all: Does it snow during the fall???? .-.
That's it for today!! Bai!!


Saturday, September 27, 2014

Gem Chest and Cupcake Hat Party

Hi buddies, this is Stang!

Today Bluewat, our newest author, made an introductory post! Click here to read it! :)

And here is the new item, the Chest of Gems. My guess is that it will open when you click on it (that is, if you buy it and place it in your den.)
It seems like a "remix" of the Pot O' Gems.

Cupcake Hat party? What's that?

Go to the Daily Explorer for marvelous monkey facts! (Or AJ Academy.)

Today Bluewat, our newest author, made an introductory post! Click here to read it! :)

I will try to make special posts once in a while.

That's it for today, bye!


My Pre-Post; Meet The Blue What?

Hi AJ fans! I'm Bluewat Dragon (Full Name: BlueKatWolfDragon) and Rubikitty on AJ. At the time I am a nm, but I asked my mom if I could buy the membership again, because once your a member, nonmember is never enough to satisfy. xD Here is my animal account:

I am  Juniper Icystar ;3

                            I like to be funny and I love ANIMAL JAM (Made from squished animals!) I love bubbles, happiness, a shadow(to hide in), magic, and RUSSIAN BUBBLES(Not Real <----)!

But you know what REALLY bugs me? this: MEMBERS ONLY
it just makes me spasm *spasm* with  madness *roar* it just... UGH don't mention those bad signs :0 they are bad luck.
guess what: random page break :D

Friday, September 26, 2014

Vanity, Otter Adoption and Fall has Arrived

Hi buddies, this is Stang.

I'm actually not supposed to post but no one did today, so I just did. I abhor no-post days. (But you other author still have to post!)

Anyway, today's new item is the Stone Vanity found in Kimbara Imports.

I feel like it's based off another item... Maybe a different themed vanity, because it looks very familiar.
Here's the latest Daily Explorer post. More than 5,000 jammers helped AJHQ adopt three real live otters. Does that mean there are 5,000 active animal jam players with paid membership? 

Fall has arrived in Animal Jam! There's those spooky pumpkins and darkness overshadowing Jamaa Township. 
Night of the Phantoms is coming soon! (That's what the holiday is called, right?)

Hi buddies! Fall has arrive. 
That's it for today, but tomorrow I will have a special post about how to blog for beginners! Check back tomorrow for more and share to support. Jam on, bye!


Thursday, September 25, 2014

Caged Phantoms and Goodbye Summer

Hai jammers! We have a new author in our blog, BlueWat Dragon!!! Please give a warm welcome to our biggest commentor and newest author!! :)

All righty :) Our new item of the day...................

Wow!!! The Night of the Phantoms preparations are really going underway :O I can't wait until that night comes... all the bats and ghosts and phantoms fly out and IT'S A HAPPY HALLOWEEN lol :) Anways, the Caged Phantom is found in the Diamond Shop located in Jamaa Township ~ so get yours now!!!

A quick reminder for the things that are going away in the next week or so....

That's all for today!! :) Bai people !


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Stonessssssssssss Sinkssssssssssssssss

Hai jammers! How are you all today? Hope you're all having a good time in Jamaa!!!

Today's new item is the Stone Sink, found in Outback Imports in Kimbara Outback... Now we can finally all wash our hands.... just need the soap :D

A new post from the Daily Explorer today!!! :) Had to split them into two, 'twas toooooo long :/

Here's the posts from the (yes, again XD) Daily Explorer for yesterday and 9/22/2014 , but we forgot to post them yesterday D: Meh sincere apologies to you all :(

Yesterday's post...............
Dose eyes doeeeeee :) 

And Monday's post about the rare beards................

Walking 'round Jamaa but I couldn't find any new glitches..... so that's all for today! Bai!
