
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Pet Princess Chair and Mysterious Events

Hey jammers! This is Stang, with more news than before! We have the new item of the day, two DE posts, two mysterious events, news about FREE GIFTS, and extras! :)

Today's new item is the Pet Princess Chair!

There's also 2 new DE posts before we get to the Mysterious Events. 

Deer are coming soon! Most likely in December, which starts tomorrow. 

Ice Armor and Gift Cards! I'm pretty sure you can only buy ice armor with real money, as a gift card bonus. 

?~Mysterious Events ~?

(Hint: Both of these pictures are A LOT longer than they are tall, so if I made them any bigger, they would jump out of the column and into the side bar stuff, so just click on the picture to enlarge it. )

Looks at the picture below. Do you see the blue line about the circle pattern, and the other line next to the Daily Explorer? What is that?

Yesterday, when I was writing up my Play As You Pet Party Tour, I saved it as a draft to come back and fix it up after doing some other stuff. It was a draft, but how did it get 2 views already?

Answer: I accidentally pressed 'Publish' instead of 'Save' so I quickly reverted it into a draft, but 2 people were on at that time, so their screen refreshed when the new post came through, and probably refreshed again when I took it down. (Sorry!)

December News: Free Stuff! 

Who doesn't love free stuff? Especially when it's going to become rare in 24 hours? Well from December 1-25, AJ will give out free gifts to every account if you play on that day. 

(Which, unfortunately, gives me a disadvantage because I can't play everyday >.<)

Thanks for reading! New stuff on Fun, and an Art post form yesterday! Share to support, and keep jamming, buddies!


P. S. Getting bored? Worry no more! We have new games and random posts you might like to check out!

Search up keyword 'gift' in the search box:

More games by Stang!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Play As Your Pet Party Tour

Hey jammers! This is the Stang! As I told your guys earlier, I'd come back to do a BIG post. 

Well here it is: a cool tour of the PlayAs You Pet party! (PAYP)

Anyway, this is what your avatar looks like, and next to it, you have that doggy switch to kitty picture, which lets you change animals. When you click on it, it looks pretty much the same as switching pets anywhere else. 

When you first get in, you land in a little plaza place, with a mushroom fountain next to you. If you look at the left, you can see the member's only Pet Wash. 

If you continue to go that way, you'll find the Pet Wash, Pet Stop, and a ladder. Where does that take you?

It takes you to the top of a white daisy. Notice that the grass in the background is super tall, which gives you the illusion of being minuscule. 

If you start form the fountain and go right, you find a pond. 

In the middle of the pond is a petite bridge that leads you to the shop full of pet-sized items; 4 member's, 2 non-members. See previous posts to see what the pet items are. 

Wow! Cards as mats! Notice that the ace is a phantom! ^-^ What next? AJ playing cards?

If you haven't noticed yet, there's a ladder, made up of cardboard, leading up. Look at the corner. Is that a LEGO piece?

Yup; it's a Lego castle, with a music store in the top-most corner. Pretty cool, eh?

And last, but not least, are the actions, which are different since you're a pet now. As a nonmember, I can only be a hamster, although I bet like at least half of you guys own pet hamsters as well, so yeah.

Anyway the play is eating two peices of the hamster's unlimited supply of candy corn. 
Dance is shaking back and forth. (Harlem Shake?)

Anyway, new stuff on Fun AND Art! Woohoo! Well, bye! Share to support, and keep reading buddies!


P. S. Want to see posts about PAYP party items? Click any of the links below, or all!

P. P. S. New game by Stang!
Click here to check it out!

Pile of Snowballs

Hey jammers, this is Stang, I'm in a rush so no fancy stuff and intros.

Anyway new item is the Pile of Snowballs.

Expect for a new super-post later today/in a few more hours about the newest party.



P. S. New game by Stang!
Click here to check it out!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving/Hanukkah and Pet Items

Happy Thanksgiving/Hanukkah!

It's the Feast of Thanks in Jamaa and we have 3 new DE post and 2 new items!

Two new pets items!

And 3 new DE posts!

Awesome jammer art!


And a super long post about the Jammer Snaps Winner and News Crew!



P. S. Go to the Fun page for a new Thanksgiving game, created by Stang!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Striped Scarf and Almost 20,000 Views!

Hey jammers! This is the Stang today! :D

Anyway, more Christmas stuff before Thanksgiving.

Today's new item is the Striped Scarf! Sadly, it's members, but we still have the Jamaaliday Scarf for nms!

In addition, we almost have 20,000 views! Woohoo!

The 20,000th viewer will be awarded a prize, if they have proof. For example, the proof picture should have the views in it, with some surrounding blog stuff to show that it is Animal Jam Buddies, not some other blog.

It should look something like this:

Anyway, after we get 20,000 views, you know what happens next! Party! ^-^

In addition, it's Thanksgiving for some eastern countries, with Thanksgiving coming up tomorrow for Western countries.
Here's a game to celebrate Thanksgiving!

Anyway, that's it for today, ye jammers! Share to support and to spread the news!


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Candle Ornament and Poll

Hey jammers! This is Stang!

Looks like AJ is already getting ready for Christmas because the member's Candle Ornament already came in! It sells for 100 gems, and comes in varying colors.

Trading tip: Be sure to trade away you old Christmas items from last year, for it is highly likely that they will come back in! (Trade for rares.)

Also, an old poll! Here's the reader's responses to the question!

Almost everyone voted for "Yes!" , with 4 votes in depends form our deep thinkers, and one on "No!" although it's most likely the hater.

Don't forget to see today's other post!

Glitches Galore and Ice Armor Pictures!

Also, new stuff on fun! Check it out! A picture of something ironic, and more news on stories! The genres have been chosen, and the WIP wolf facts have been completed!


Community Question of the Day:

Do you think it's strange that Christmas items are already coming in before Thanksgiving?

Post your answer in the comments!

Glitches Galore and Ice Armor Pictures

Hey jammers! This is the Stang!

Recently I found a whole bunch of glitches, so I decided to post them all in one super-post!

Anyway, here they are! Glitches first, and ice armor pictures after.

Glitches :)

Wow! That item's name is LONG! Too long to fit; the right part of the name goes under the person's ID name tag thing.
(Realize that it used to be called Rare Tooth Necklace, but they added a Fossilized to it, so that means another Rare Tooth Necklace will come out?)

GAAH! Where did the eyes go? 
This is a common glitch, although a few seconds later, Ice Armor appeared. Will there be Ice Armor glitches?

A whole truckload of number glitches! I find it strange that all the numbers are 8331.

Why is it 8331? 

Here's a special trick: hold the 'Alt' button on your keyboard, type in about 3-7 numbers, let go, and BAM! A random symbol appears! This is called coding.
When you type in 8331, you get ï, which is either two dots over a one or an i. 

This isn't really a glitch, but why does the horse go through the [supposed] wall? Anybody can do it, but it just doesn't look right. 

And here is, the Ice Armor!

Here's what it looks like on an Arctic Wolf!

And the ID Name Tag card thing...

And on a cheetah!

Anyway, thanks for reading!


Monday, November 25, 2013

Monday Rare and a Glitch!

Hey Jammers! This is SnowyTaco, reporting today's Monday Rare and a Glitch.

So, today's Monday Rare are the Rare Faerie Wings! They cost 800 gems and are sold at the Jam Mart Clothing.

And, as you know, I found a glitch that was happening during yesterday. First, examine this picture.

I went back to my den, and found out that... I forgot how to edit it! I felt like a dummy >_<

Then I went back online today and found this:

I also found out that Animal Jam was experiencing a lot of lag, so the animals were barely moving when they danced or walked. I think it's fixed. :)
And to the person who calls their self 'Blogger,' who is most likely the fake Jamaa Stang and the fake Jamaa SnowyTaco, please stop spamming useless stuff in the comments. 

That's it for today! And vote on the poll please! 

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Bowl of Fruit and Stool

Hey jammers! This is Stang, and I got two new items today, and a new DE post!

But before we start, I'd like to say, I shared a new game some hours ago, and it is the full verison of Minions. 

And, here's the two new items:

Bowl of Fruit. 

Pet Diner Stool!

And here's the newest DE post! Experiments, experiments, experiments!

Anyway, I'm kinda in a rush, so share ot support and thanks for reading! Bye! (Don't forget to check out my new game!) 


Saturday, November 23, 2013

Underwater Snowman and Pets Party

Hiya jammers, this is the Stang! :D

New items of the day...

Pet HD TV and Pet Lawn Chair, both member items! Specially cutout to see if people are copying our pictures. (Sorry for the inconvenience.)

And, an underwater Snowman!

I heard that the Kimbara Outback music has been changed to the Overflow game's (in Crystal Sands) music.

A new DE post about adventures!

And.. yeah. That's about it. I'll try to get some more pictures of the Play as your Pet Party, in due time.

Anyway, bye jammers! :) Share to support, and don't hate! (I'm thinking of putting up little e-posters supporting no-hate and stuff like that.)


Friday, November 22, 2013

Play as Your Pet Party!

Hey jammers! Sorry for late post; I was pretty busy. (And it took me a pretty long time to get into a play as your pet party.)

Short note: the hater news and stuff kinda made me want to see if anybody was copying picture form the blog, so I altered a few.

Anyway, the Play as You Pet Party is here!

Anyway, I got some cool pictures and stuff, so yeah!

Here are some items, two nonmember, and one member.

I altered these two. They are all member's. 

Another altered picture. This is a new music called Pet Playtime. It is (as always) members. 

Bye jammers! More news will come tomorrow/soon. 


(P.S. to those who celebrate Thanksgiving: Have a happy Thanksgiving! :D)

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Breaking News. Like again. And new items c:

Hello, I'm SnowyTaco. THE REAL SNOWYTACO THAT HAS A BLOGGER LOGO FOR A PROFILE PICTURE (screaming inside my head! >_<).  There has been a hater roaming around our site, and they have used Stang and my username to comment about us shutting down the blog.

 omg again.


We will NOT shut the blog down! And whenever we do, WE WILL TELL YOU ON THE POSTS! NOT IN THE COMMENTS!!

I think you guys know this already, but if you don't, here you go!

On the bright side, there are lots of new things today! The Jamaa Journal has been updated today.

I think we've had this party in past months, but now nonmembers have hamsters! Will they be able to join the fun?

For a limited time only, buy a retail gift card to get a free set of Ice Armor! I think is looks pretty cool actually!

It turns out the new animal coming soon will be a Deer! I guessed correctly! (I think). And now there's a cool video about the Phantom Adventures! Liza's voice is very pretty. :)

Jamaaliday Gifting is coming soon! And games are still at x2 gems.

Today's new item is the Turkey Hat. It costs 250 gems and is sold at Jam Mart Clothing.

And that's all for today!